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[World] Nominees of the Best Member Awards

by Eco Generation | 03-03-2017 15:20

Dear Eco-generation members,

We do appreciate your nomination. Please remember what you have decided to do for SDGs throughout the year and let us know how and what you did at the end of the year!!!

Angel Abellana    


Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Resolution: Save Philippine trees because what we save will save us.

Action Plan:

1. Continue co-founding the youth-led organization Save Philippines Trees.

2. Plant as many trees as possible.

3. Work on my thesis case study wherein I will identify the amount of real forests in the classified "Forest Lands" of the Department of Environment and Resources.

4. Attend as many environmental forums as possible.

5. Study environmental laws especially those that talks about the Philippine forestry as knowledge is the greatest weapon in combating climate change and the loss of our resources.

6. Reduce my carbon footprint.

7. Use scratch papers or opt for digital documents as much as possible.

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources

Resolution: Bring back the color because colorful corals feed us.

Action Plan:

1. Continue managing my online campaign that raises awareness about coral bleaching and its specifics.

2. Pushing partnership with different organizations to further my campaign offline.

3. Reduce my carbon footprint.

4. Pollution is one of the causes of the death of our corals. In order to combat this, I will continue saying no to si­ngle-use plastic like straws.

5. Further posting online on my personal accounts about environmental sustainability.

6. Screen my sunscreen and make sure it doesn't have oxybenzone and other harmful chemicals that can cause coral bleaching.



Angel Allyne Abellana


Goal 1: End poverty in all it's goals everywhere.

Resolution: Be educated so you can educate.

Action Plan:

1. In believing that poverty can be eradicated through education, I will study as hard as I can so I can to help other people get education that they also need once I am financially stable.

2. Try to advocate for free education in the Philippines.



Arushi Madan 

United Kingdom

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Resolution: Reduce footprint, Increase Handprint

Action List: I will

• Promote this SDG through my social media channels.

• Save electricity by plugging appliances into a power strip and turning them off completely when not in use, including my computer. (Un-plug idle devices)

• Stop paper bank statements and pay my bills online or via mobile. No paper, no need for forest destruction.

• Speak up and support this SDG by signing any pledge, petition or national or international movement aimed at combating climate change.

• Not waste paper. Not print unless absolutely essential.

• Turn off the lights when not in room.

• Buy from companies believing in ?Fair trade? means Do a bit of online research and buy only from companies that have sustainable practices and don?t harm the environment.

• Reduce carbon emissions by using public transport or cycle or walk.

Minimise the use of hair dryer. Let the hair dry naturally.

• Operate washing machines only when full load.

• Take short showers.

• Avoid meat.

• Segregate waste at home and university. Dispose in designated bins for recycling.

• Recycle paper, plastic, glass & aluminium.

• Buy minimally packaged goods.

• Use cardboard matches. They don?t require any petroleum, unlike plastic gas-filled lighters.

• Shop locally produced food (minimum food miles) and locally manufactured goods.

• Use a refillable water bottle and coffee cup.

• Use jute/cloth or any reusable bag and NOT use plastic bag at all.

• Not use tissues. Use cloth(washable) towels.

• Not change mobile phones every year or frequently. Use till they are working/till their product life to minimise e-waste. Repair but not replace. Choose Frugal living.

• Donate what I don?t use.

• Not waste food at all.

• Plant trees (at least on birthday every year). I would support, promote and act to fight climate change.


I whole-heartedly support Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts .




Asfia Wahab  


Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

Resolution: Students have access to quality and value based education.

Action List:

i) Practical, hands-on Education

ii) Developing innovativeness,

iii) Design thinking and interpersonal skills.



Bandana osti 


Goal 2: end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and prome sustainable agriculture

Resolution: zero food wastage and shifting contemporary agriculture to sustainable agriculture.

Action list:

1). Being a agriculture student, i believe that agriculture sustainable agriculture is sole agent to eliminate hunger crisis. So, i will contribute for sustainability in agricultural system.

2). Change begins for me at first and then the world, so I won?t waste any food material.

3). Grains are weapon against the starvation. So I will work along with my agriculture colleges to maintain food and grain security.



Carolina Ranfagni  


Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all girls and women

Resolution: Equal ine every way

Action list:

-organize events for my Girl Up club -tutor younger girls at my school about the environment

- create a recycling event/drive, where the profits and materials gathered are donated to a charity that works toward gender equality



Dharmendra Kapri


Goal- Climate Action(take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts) Resolution- Action against climate change, the smart and green choice.

Action list-

* I will buy only local and organic food and will try to reduce my carbon Foot/d Print as much as i can.

* I myself will plant at least 50 trees and ask at least 50 peoples to do the same.

* I will organize at least 10 environment workshops this year to educate and aware more children about climate change and its consequences.

* I will use electronic material for reading (be it newspaper, magazine or academic stuff) as much as possible.



Eddy Vasquez 

Dominican Republic

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all -I will change my bedroom's fluorescent lightbulb for a LED one -I will unplug electronic devices which were not been used

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns -I will recycle paper and plastic -I will make local shopping -I will eat less meat, poultry, and fish

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts -I will pay my phone bill online (avoiding to use paper) -I will take short showers for more than a week -I will use public transport



Edwin Mwashinga 


Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss.

Resolution: Without forests, there is no Life


I will avoid the use of charcoal for cooking I will educate people in my community on alternative forms of eco-friendly briquettes other than charcoal I will participate and organize afforestation activities I will advocate for proper EIAs to be conducted before infrastructural and real estate development



Gallimard Yvan Nyatchou Ngassa 


Sustainability is the perfect balance of Environment, Economy and Society. My 2017 resolutions for SDGs are as follow:

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Create partnership networks with family planning and sexual and reproductive health organization in Cameroon as I assist the Cameroonian national committee of Iyafp (International Youth Alliance for Family Planning). I also plan to become an empower women ambassador to Turkey in order to levitate women economic empowerment in Turkey and Africa.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 

Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies  

Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development Achieve my Tunza Plan for action for this semester. As I have been using social media channels for good I will continue to use this tool to share sustainability news and sustainable challenges in the world.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. I want to create jobs through my start-up :).



Grace Tiwari


Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Resolution: No wastage of food, encourage food storage, promote commercial agribusiness rather than subsistence agriculture

Action list: I will never waste food that has been served in my plate. I will grow seasonal vegetables in my kitchen garden. I will form a group among my friend circle and donate foods to the less fortuned or victimized people as often as we can. We will raise an awareness program about storing food for lean period so that people do not go hungry due to food unavailability.

Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Resolution: Clean and safe drinking water for all, maintain sanitized environment everywhere.

Action list: I will close the water tap when i do not have to use it. I will reduce the use of non degradable plastics or polyethylene bags rather use bio degradable, ecofriendly cotton bags or jute bags. I will throw the wastes into the bin and if I do not have access to bin, I will keep the wastes in my bag and later dispose it into the bin.

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Resolution: Promote Afforestation, cultivation in barren land, protect flora and fauna Action list: Afforestation program should be conducted often. Barren land should be utilized and cultivated by plantation of herbs, shrubs and trees. If a tree has been uprooted, it should be replaced by planting a new plant in order to balance the environment. Government should enforce strict laws and punishment against hunting and poaching of wild birds and animals.



Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas


Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

My resolution is to be Eco-friendly Diver.

Action list:

1. I will improve my buoyancy skills for hindering to hit the coral when diving.

2. I will not touch the coral when diving.

3. I will not use sunblock and perfume when diving.

4. I will not use flash light when taking under water pictures.

5. I will collect trash that covers coral when diving.

6. I will not throw rubbish to the ocean.

7. I will not buy any handy craft made from coral.



Irfans Maulana Firdaus 


Goal 13 : Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Resolution : Decreasing greenhouse effect and other climate change factors.

Action List :

1. I will use public transportation rather private transportation.

2. I will save energy in my home.

3. I will not use plastic bag and i will bring my bag.

4. etc



Luiz Bispo


Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Resolution: More Urban Trees, Less Climate Change

ACTION LIST – I will plant trees in parks or riparian forest with my university colleagues in partnership with the Piracicaba city townhall government. Predicted months for the activity: April, June, September and November - I will encourage my colleagues to organize planting activities around my local community (Piracicaba City).

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Resolution: Reusing, Producing and Consuming in a Sustainable Way

ACTION LIST - I will reuse wooden residues from the prunning of urban trees of Piracicaba city by developing wooden toys in my university carpentry site. First, it is necessary to look for the raw materials (wood) and then start to think about the toys and its construction. - I will aware people about how to develop wooden toys by reusing wooden residue from the prunning of the urban trees of Piracicaba city - Brazil.

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Resolution: Empower, Plant, Grow and Produce your Own - Reduce Inequality

ACTION LIST - I will encourage families and households to build their own food production in a sustainable and organic way and, therefore, empowering economically. By ringing the bell of some houses in my local community I will try to persuade the households about the benefits of having a food garden in their backyard and will deliver a flyer about it. - I will support the households with the building of the food garden by providing information sources and consulting visits, if they contact me. PS: this goal will be achieved with support of the Empower Women Program of the UN Women a program that I am joining.



Maryna Osadcha


Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Resolution: No addiction, tobacco smoking and alcohol

Action list: I will not using narcotic drug, smoking and drinking alcohol. I'm going to tell the other children about the dangers of drugs, tobacco and alcohol. I will eat less meat, poultry and fish. I'm going to tell the other adolescent about HIV, family planning, gender-based inequalities



Nihan Amin    


Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Resolution: Your small effort- A building block of a poverty-free world

Action list:

1. I will keep my lavishness under control and donate more to the organizations that work for the poor.

2. If there's any poor student in my class I along with my classmates will request to the authority for full free studentship for that student.

3. I'll personally help my poor classmates as much as possible providing with books, notebooks etc so that he can continue his study and make good future.

4. I won't buy groceries from super shops. Rather I'll buy from the poor people who earn their livelihoods by selling goods on the roadside.

5. I'll try to give small business ideas to the poor people in my locality with my friends.

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Resolution: No more waste of food, Be a solution store for improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture!

Action list:

1. I will not waste my food. If some foods remain uneaten or unused I'll give them away to the hungry people in my locality.

2. Everyday I'll try to save even a single penny. I'll also convince my relatives and friends. Then every week, gathering all the money, I'll buy foods for the possible numbers of hungry people.

3. I along with my friends will make the illiterate and poor people know about the nutritious foods of cheap rate. As a result they will have an easy access to nutritious food and their children will be able to get proper nutrition.

4. Working as a group, I'll buy nutritious foods that go with our budget and give them to the children who are deprived of nutrition.

5. I will get acquainted with green and lucrative technologies of agriculture. Then in summer holidays, I'll go to rural places with my friends and teach the rural people about the technologies.

6. Taking help from the internet I will reveal the easiest and lucrative ways to raise domestic animals and make hybrid animals to the farmers or who want to start a business of this.

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Resolution: Change your attitude, Boost the development process up with females! Action list:

1. I will always possess respectful view towards females bearing in mind that my mother is also a female.

2. I will help the women and girls in doing their works in my working place.

3. If I see any girl being teased or misbehaved I will raise my voice instantly. Or I'll inform the police immediately after seeing this.

4. I will teach my younger ones to be respectful and helpful towards women everywhere.

5. I will enhance my female friends or relatives to gain education and take part in the development process. I will support them from my standing.

6. If I plan anything for the development of society then I'll keep in mind that it should be equally accessible for both men and women. Specially it will have reserved quota for women.

7. If any woman in my family is deprived of something what she deserves I'll support her and inspire her to take help of law.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Resolution: Think Green, Live Green

Action list:

1. I will start planting trees from my home. Then I'll inspire the relatives to do so. After that my locality will be my target. I will plant trees wherever possible in my locality.

2. I won't do harm to any trees. In fact if I see someone doing so I'll try to stop him.

3. I will not let my parents buy home appliances that emit CFC or other harmful gases.

4. I will try to use all the green technologies like LED bulbs, solar charger light etc.

5. If my car emits black smoke I'll not delay to fix it.

6. I will not use wooden furniture. As an alternative I'll use furniture made of steel.

7. I'll reduce doing barbecues.

8. I'll stop using plastic bags.

9. I'll take part in tree plantation programs organized by government or non government organizations

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Resolution: Consciousness- A powerful medium to manage energy for all

Action list:

1. I will use electric devices only when I need them. Otherwise I'll switch off them when they are unused.

2. If I see that lights or fans are switched on in a empty room, I'll immediately switch off them.

3. I'll always use energy sufficient electronic devices like energy saving bulbs etc.

4. I'll use solar devices as much as possible.

5. I'll use LPG gas instead of natural gas for cooking etc.

6. I'll encourage the rural people to use solar energy and bio-energy.

7. I'll promote energy sufficient daily used devices in the rural areas with my friends.



Nur Fasya Febriarti


Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Resolution : Use eco-friendly-way to study

Action list : I will only read book that is using re-usable papers, I will take notes using reusable paper, I will use non-toxic ink to print my paper or to take notes, I will read book that encourage minds to take care of the nature, I will turn off the laptop after using it and will not overcharge my laptop again.


Nurul Huda    


Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Resolution: Separate the rubbish (organic and inorganic) into a few groups and put it into the correct dustbin or recycle it by reuse again or make it as a compost. Make sure all the liquid/water waste is flown away at the correct direction and place. Use a natural/green technology to overcome the problem of water sanitation and access to the water.

Action lists:

1. I will put the rubbish at the correct place/dustbin.

2. I will reuse again the rubbish or make it as a green compost.

3. I will make sure my surroundings area is manage properly especially for liquid/water waste.

4. I will planting many aquatic plants because from my research study, I knew that aquatic plants could purify the water/as water filtration naturally.



Olalekan Sipasi     


Harmonizing the Environment through collective responsibility!

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts - I will walk short distances - I will reuse environmental hazardous materials (damage vehicle tyres) to produce food systematically. - I will plant 5,000 fruit trees to mitigate the effect of ozone layer depletion, prevent erosion and produce food.

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture - I will construct a garden in Ikorodu, Lagos to train Children, Youths and Farmers in sustainable agricultural practice - I will establish home gardens to combat hunger and alleviate poverty - I will also advocate urban farming

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss - I will raise awareness on forest management, land degradation and biodiversity - I will distribute 10,000 tree seeds and seedlings across the country of Nigeria



Patricia Cornelia


Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Resolution: Healthy Environment, Healthy Lives

Action list: I will plant my own vegetables. I will not eat junk foods. I will exercise regularly. I will be more discipline in cleaning my room.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning Resolution: Educate yourself, Educate others

Action list: I will volunteer in teaching street children. I will be more discipline in studying. I will assist others to study. I will volunteer in reading books for little children. I will collect used books for others in need so that it will also help environment.



Pherly Grace Bungao     


I - Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Resolution: "Inhale important things, exhale useless wants."

Action Plan:

1) "Paper or plastic? None of the above please!" - Plastic keeps clogging our drainage systems and they all end up in our seas, killing thousands of marine animals. On the other hand, paper bags cause 70% more pollution, and consumes four times the energy and three times the amount of water it takes to create plastic bags. Paper is not always the greener choice. The best thing to bring during shopping is your own bag, or try buying ecobags. :)

2) "BYOB: Bring your own bottle!" - Refilling my own bottle with water is the best way to reduce mineral bottle production, reducing the amount of CO2 and other gases into the air.

3) "3-R plus Two" - popular segregation techniques are "Reduce, Recycle and Reuse." This time I would like to apply two more R's, "Rethink if I really need to buy some things" and "Refuse, if you find the item not important to you."

4) "Fall in love with refillables." - Instead of buying single used pen, notebook and pencil, settle for the refillable ones. Greater savings will be done as well!

5) "Use your own YOU-tensils, say NO to styro!" - Take outs are really tempting especially when busy. To bring my own utensils is the best way to reduce plastic production in food chains.

6) "The bigger the better" - buy bigger bottles instead of the smaller ones. It may be expensive, but it may save a lot of penny most of the time.

7) "Trash to treasure" - recycle what I can recycle, up to its last use.

8) "Be a waste watcher" - Be mindful of the personal wastes!

II - Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources Resolution: "Be a steward of marine conservation because the seas save us."

Action List:

1) "Straw free for a happier sea!" - Apart from being used once, plastic straws are great contributors of irresponsible consumption of plastic. Single used straws shall not be used again. Stainless straws/bamboo straws/washable straws is what I should always use.

2) "Screen your sunscreen" - Check the sunscreen if there is a ingredient named 'Oxybenzone', a major catalyst for coral bleaching.

3) "May the right fish be with you!" - Overfishing nowaday may not only mean massive fish harvest. It also means that we should be mindful of what we eat (particularly on sea foods) because not all from the ocean should be eaten by humans.

4) "Wear Confidently your BE YOU-tiful face" - It's good to be mindful at personal hygiene. But let us be careful with our beauty products especially those with microbreads - all drains leak to the ocean & microbeads destroys the corals by detaching the algae and replacing them.

5) "Be the guardian of the sea" - report any means of illegal wildlife marine trade to the government officials and let them do the job.

6) "What goes up, must come down." - as a project planner, I hereby not allow any hot-air balloon or simply balloon releasing, either to the open sea or field. Balloons are made up of plastics, in which, if will reach the ocean, be eaten by the cute turtles.

III - Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Resolution: "Take a step for Tree-volution"

Action Plan:

1) "Think before you print." - Pick specific documents to print, and make sure that will be used for a long time.

2) "Paperless is always the best" - Look for soft copies of textbooks and notes.

3) "Seed of the future" - Plant a tree to add beauty to the ecosystem.



Prayash Pathak (Chalise)     


Goal : Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong living. Resolution: Quality education for all, illiteracy for none.

Action list: I will allocate some of my free time to aware the underprivileged people about the importance of education and promote them to get education. I will make sure that not only the boys but the girls of my community will also get quality education.

Goal : Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Resolution: Pure water is the path to healthy life.

Action list: I will stop wastage of water. I will teach the locals about ways to purify water and the importance of pure water.



Rohan Kapur

United Arab Emirates    


Goal3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

My resolutions - Sustainable Development Goals My Slogans for SDGs

1. Each one Plant One.

2. Sustainability is life.

3. Harming the environment is a slow death of humanity.

4. Consume local, Act Global, Live healthier. Saving the Environment and promoting Sustainability are very close to my heart. I am fully devoted to combat the climate change by taking actions like:

My Actions for present & Future:

1. Organising Recycling drives among the community. My group is very active & regular in conducting RecycleThon?s. Here we collect the recyclables like Paper, Plastic, Aluminium Cans, Mobile Phones, and Printer Toners etc. All such items if thrown in garbage will end up is Landfills and will take years to decompose. It emits harmful gases also and is deadly for human population & extremely harmful to the Eco-System.

2. Submitting the recyclables to the local recycling center. Mere collection is not sufficient. Responsible submission is essential so that the cycle is completed.

3. Awarding & Rewarding the active & top collectors. I make sure to make arrangements with the recycling centers to award the certificates to the top collectors so that motivation levels are kept high & students are encouraged to collect more and more recyclables.

4. Regularly collecting the recyclables at my home at weekends. I encourage all my peers, neighbors& building mates to keep collecting and they are welcome to deposit all at one place. I have made arrangements with the local recycling centers so that they may visit my home weekly and collect all the recyclable material. This ensures that the habit of segregating is formed.

5. Plant Trees: I make sure to plant as much as possible. In my balcony I have 15 Plants to take care of. They generate oxygen & are boon for the environment.

6. Embrace Groups & Organisations: Apart from a regular Tunza Ambassador for past 4 years, I am member of various other organisations. I am a decorated member of the Emirates Environmental Group [EEG] for past 6 Years. I am ambassador of Bee?ah, a leading environmental organization in Sharjah. I am the founder of a student group ?Serve the Earth?. This group is very active & happening group in Sharjah.

7. Social Media: I am very active on social media, to share the environmental information, to conduct events and to spread awareness.

8. Participate in competitions: I participate & win environmental competitions, walks etc. Recently our team won the Gold medal in Youth Earth Summit, Conducted in Dubai. Based upon my above resolutions I have selected the following Sustainable Development

I hope and pray to God to give me strength to serve The Mother Earth in the best possible manner.



Simran Vedvyas     

United Arab Emirates    

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Resolution : I will do all what is necessary to ensure health lives and promote well being for all at all ages


1) I will promote a healthy study environment that is sustainable among my peers and colleagues at study place

2) I will promote planting trees in our environment and neighbourhood for a green and promising environment that is good for human health

3) I will do all in my strength to engage more and more students and members in ensuring healthy lives and promoting well being

4) The year I will ensure supporting 1000 workers at various landfills and waste composting sites with healthy meals and food supplies

5) I will share my work on all possible global platforms to continue and make a difference



Swosthi Thapa      


Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss.

Resolution: No deforestation, yes to biodiversity conservation

Action list: I will plant trees to reduce land degradation in sloppy areas. I willnot overuse the natural resources without any cause. I will use organic or green manure in field to increase the land productivity. I will perform sustainable agriculture and cropping and reduce grazing to protect biodiversity. I will plant easily available nitrogen fixing plants like soybean, pea, bean, clover etc.



T Anudeep Reddy  


Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Resolution : Do not waste resources, share them instead.

Action list :

1.Donate my extra resources to the needy.

2.Donate a part of me and my parents earnings to NGOs

3.Educate kids by working as a teaching volunteer at a local NGO

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Resolution : No wasting food, no eating unhealthy foods.

Action list :

1. Eat healthy food as it combats malnourishment.

2. Avoid eating fast food and junk food.

3. My sister has done her bachelors in Agricultural Engineering. I will request her to promote sustainable agricultural techniques among her peers and clients.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

Resolution : Donate old books, promote education.

Action list :

1. I will donate my old books to the needy.

2. I will work as a teaching volunteer at a local NGO and teach kids.

3. I will write articles to promote lifelong learning by stating its importance.


Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Resolution : No tolerating harassment of my friends, no treating them unequally.

Action list :

1.I will treat all my friends equally.

2.I will give equal opportunity to women and men in my start-up.

3.I will have a woman co-founder for my start-up.

Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Resolution : No water overuse, no water crisis

Action list :

1. I will close all taps in my house and university hostel properly.

2. I will ensure that I tell my friends the importance of water and its conservation.

3. I will participate in World Water Day events in my region and promote them and I?m already involved in a national event in my country called Walk4Water in India.

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Resolution : Borders divide us, Love unites us.

Action list :

1.I will encourage volunteering among my friends. I work for AIESEC,world?s biggest youth organisation. I will promote volunteerism and get a lot of people to go on a volunteering trip so that they under the host country better which will reduce inequality.

2.I have a start-up which is an open platform to share worldwide opportunities. Through this initiative I will encourage a lot of people to have cross-cultural experiences which will reduce inequality among countries.

3.I will have an ambassador program for my start-up where I will appoint ambassadors from different(about 100) countries and engage them together to achieve peace and build long-lasting relations among countries.

4.I will also attended a lot of events in and out of my country, across borders so that I get a better understanding of people outside my niche and have a feeling of equality.

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Resolution : A good deed is to consume what you really need.

Action list :

1. I will neither order extra food nor waste it when I go out to a restaurant.

2. I along with my parents will do terrace farming and produce our food by organic methods which will make us sustainable.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Resolution : Combat your comforts to combat climate change.

Action list :

1. I will walk distances up to 2 kilometers rather than using any mode of transport.

2. I will use public transport as much as possible.

3. I will research and design pollution control equipment by the end of this year and publish a report on my research.

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Resolution : Minimizing paper use, maximizes forest cover.

Action list :

1. Pay my bills online or via mobile.

2. I will not print unless needed.

3. Plant a sapling in my home and practice terrace gardening.

4. I will carry a bag when I go to a shop and not use the plastic covers.

Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

Resolution : Peace begins with a smile, just follows.

Action list :

1. I will smile at everyone I come across, so that they feel peaceful.

2. I will not practice and not encourage unjust acts in and around me.

3. I will take advantage of my right to vote the right leader.






Resolutions: -reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.

Actions: unplug chargers, turn lights off before going to bed, use low-energy bulbs, use biodegradable bags, reduce household waste, recycle plastic bags, use less paper, reforest, Community to reduce the spread of open-pit dumps



Xilola Kayumova   


Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Resolution: Love your gender, respect the other's!


? I will spread the theme to every member of Asaka Academic Lyceum's 'Diligent Girls Club.'

? I will become the organizer of 'Girls Development Club's Andijan branch' ( learning how to get it going by Gavhar Sagdullayeva)

? I will visit the beginner classes of schools to spread awareness about gender equality and loving one's own gender.

? I will teach Uzbek National Dances to little kids in Kindergartens of Andijan region.

? I will visit the teen girls to talk about personal problems (being laughed at, discrimination, incapability of being joined into alliances and etc.)

? I will do a drawing contest between classes of a certain school.

? If I get the agreement of 'Xotin Qizlar Qomitasi', I will do a drawing contest between some schools of Asaka district.

? I will do the same drawing contest for the students of the Asaka Academic Lyceum.

? If I get chosen, I will actively participate in the Womens Role Conferences of IYS 2017



Yvonne Wabai


Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Resolution: No wastage of resources.

Action list:

I will purchase food items that are in season.

I will purchase organically grown fruits and vegetables.

I will give away extra food instead of throwing it away.

I will switch off the lights when not in use.

I will be mindful of how I use water.

I will chose alternatives to plastics.

I will encourage my friends to take part in conservation efforts as well.