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A Special Goodbye Letter from Greece

by Eco Generation | 24-08-2016 09:27

Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,

Today, I would like to share one of the happiest news from our Ambassador to Greece and Europe. 

Your feedback helps our Eco-generation team move forward!

Thank you, our members and Ambassadors!

 Dear Tunza Eco-generation Staff,


I am writing to you in view of the fact that a new period begins in my life, starting with my studies in a US University as an Engineer, with emphasis on Environmental Engineering.


During all my high school years, the protection of the urban place I lived, but also the rural area outside of it, was high on my priorities. This is how I got to realize that the environmental challenges of our time should be solved with sustainable development. For this reason, I will try to contribute to, as much as I can, understanding my responsibilities as an adult citizen and an engineer.


During this trip, my contact and my cooperation with Tunza Eco Generation has played a vital role. It has helped me realize that the bubble I lived in, wasn't but a very small piece the huge unity of our society that every local act counted to the result of a global inclination to a more clean Earth, which will allow future generations to enjoy what we have been able to enjoy, and share the same connection with nature.


I would like to thank Tunza Eco-generation for the way in which it accepted me 3 years ago, it encouraged me in my reports, and gave me the chance to meet many remarkable young people and learn from their experiences, broaden my perspective and giving an international dimension to my efforts as a high school student. This encouragement helped me attain the award of the most environmentally active student in my school's graduating class, an award which I wholeheartedly dedicate to the amazing team of Tunza Eco-generation.


Unfortunately, it might be hard for me to find time to get involved in this community over the next few years, but I am sure that we will meet once again in the future, as we all work for the same vision.


With all my love for Christy Lee, the Tunza Eco-generation Staff and the ambassadors of the last 3 years!


Konstantinos-Eirinaios Tsiampouris

Tunza Ambassador for Greece and Europe, May 2014-August 2016