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[World] 2016 GYELS has been completed

by Eco Generation | 02-02-2016 15:08

Dear Tunza Eco-generations,

2016 Global Youth Eco-Leadership Summit has been finished successfully.

Global Youth Eco-Leadership Summit (GYELS) is a comprehensive environmental education package to grow future eco-leaders around the world. 2016 GYELS has taken place from 25th to 29th January 2016 in Seoul, Korea, as a shared project of Samsung Engineering and Korea Green Foundation. Global delegates shall be invited to this summit from 12 countries Bahrain, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Vietnam.

2016 GYELS consisted of three major activities: Global Youth for the Environment Forum, GYELS MUN and excursion to grow future eco-leaders around the world. At the last official session at GYELS, Minister?s Prize by Korean Ministry of Environment, Dean?s Prize by Graduate School of Environment in Seoul Nat?l Univ., CEO?s Prize by Samsung Engineering, President?s Prize by Korea Green Foundation were given to the delegates.

We hope every participant gained not only the environmental knowledge but also the power of collaboration between stakeholders in our society.

We hope to meet next young leaders next year again!

To find more about the photos, please visit our Gallery at  Our Actions > Gallery.

See you next year!!!!!

All the best,
Eco-generation team