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[World] Theme of the Year 2016

by Eco Generation | 04-02-2016 09:33


Tunza Eco-generation Theme for 2016

Scale up through 
Networking and Alliance-building
Be the living evidence of change!
Ally with like minded people!
Change the world with your scaled up voice!

We are here as same children of the Mother Nature with loving and caring mind.
We are standing on the common ground, which is the Earth.

Through numerable tries including both successful case and lessons learned, we found the truth which can induce real impact to the world. It is that the change comes incremental way from our accumulated action and the innovative solution stems from ideas developed through network.

In this regard, we have set our theme of the year 2016 as 
'Scale up through Networking and Alliance-building'.

Step 1. It all starts from you
All changes starts from everyday decision of individual. We decided to protect the environment and to become a youth leader with impact. Leader without follower doesn't make sense at all. All passionate followers say that the leader's daily ACTION led them to join their environmental advocacy campaigns. 

Thus, your daily action is the strongest INVITATION LETTER to everyone.
Be the living evidence of your own slogan!

Step 2. Gain Idea from Network & Find Alliance
We asked many successful leaders in Tunza Eco-generation platform about what made them decide to do environmental advocacy works. Many answered that they got inspired prior Eco-generation members' work reported on the Ambassador and World report page. Get inspired from other youth leaders through network platforms and learn diverse ways of doing the same or better thing by learning from their activity reports. 

You can also find like minded people to work with on the network and create your own environmental advocacy movement. You can share your current work, invite colleagues, gain ideas or even merge multiple works into bigger ONE.  It can happen in both inner and inter borders of countries. 

Step 3. Scale up & Make Your Action to be Seen and Heard Loudly
By joining strong network of like minded people, you can go much further than you've ever imagined. We witness every day that an individual grows into strong youth leader who changes hundreds and thousands people's mind and future. One environmental education session now engages dozens of local schools and we see our Eco-generation members are featured by media or awarded from prestigious institution. 

Don't draw your limitation just here. 

Dream big dreams which can take you everywhere you want.

Remember, all changes stemmed from action by an individual.

It can be you, it can be followers inspired by you, and it can be our future generation with a touch of you.

We will hold all campaigns and events to prove the power of alignment and network.

Please remember the theme 'Ally & Scale up through Network' all around the year and 
Share, Prove and Do it!