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[World] Recommend the Most Inspirational Ambassador!

by Eco Generation | 26-02-2016 10:56

Dear Tunza Eco-generations,


As you may know, February is the last month for the 15th Eco-generation Ambassadors to complete their term.

You must have read so many reports from all over the world written by our active Ambassadors around the world for the past six months.

Though we're on the opposite side of the globe, we can vividly read the environmental news on the youth engagements, current issues and even the new policies of their countries. Thanks to our Eco-generation Ambassadors, we can also get to know more deeply about the environmental issues of other countries like we're living in the neighborhood.


We would like to express our utmost gratitude for their passionate works for the past six months and want to give them a round of applause.

To appreciate all their efforts, we would like to select the One Best Inspirational Ambassador on behalf of the whole 15th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors.

Please recommend us the most inspirational Ambassador among the 15th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors. You can submit the full name of the Ambassador and your reason of recommendation in 100 to 200 words in the Content box.


Please note

-You can recommend the 15th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors only

-Multiple entries will be gladly accepted

-Self-recommendation is acceptable

-References (like pictures, letters) are not required

-Reason of recommendation should be concrete


To recommend, please click HERE.


Best regards,

Eco-generation team