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[World] UNEP survey

by Eco Generation | 07-01-2016 13:18

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is rethinking its engagement with young environmental leaders, and we want your input on how we can maximize our impact.

UNEP has been running its Tunza programme for more than ten years, raising the capacity of thousands of young leaders across the world and providing key opportunities for youth voices to be heard in major advocacy settings.

Following two historical steps in 2015 – the Sustainable Development Goals summit in September, then the climate change summit in December – we are eager to ensure that we add unique value to the environmental movement, supporting but not duplicating the efforts of others. Some amazing groups and individuals are already hard at work. We want to support them and help leverage their impact!

Your response to the following short survey—which should take you no more than five or ten minutes to complete—would be hugely appreciated!