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[World] Winner Announcement of the Monthly Event for August

by Eco Generation | 02-09-2015 13:53

Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,


In August, we have held a meaningful monthly event to recommend the best ambassador of the 14th term. The reason why this event is meaningful is because the best ambassador is selected by our members of the Tunza Eco-generation, not by Eco-generation team. 

So many members have been participated in the recommendation and we would like to introduce some of the recommendations with you.

Thank you so much for your participation! You guys are the best!

We¡¯ll send the mini portable fans to the recommenders below. J


1. Irfan Ramdhany in Indonesia recommends Luiza Bispo in Brazil.

Luiz Bispo - BRAZIL I created this article to give a piece of the story about my friend at the Tunza Eco-Generation, although only in the online media to know but I am sure he is the one who can be an inspiration to other young people in the work and make a change for a better environment. Likewise I was inspired by what he does in his country which he shared via the website Tunza Eco-Generation. He is a student majoring in Forestry Engineering at the University of Sao Paolo Brazil. He named Luiz Bispo. His goal is to become the Minister of Environment of Brazil so he wants to make changes for the sake of the Brazilian environment more beautiful and sustainable. I was so inspired when I see and read the article which he shared on the website of the project biodiversity and waste management, he is an active and initiative to implement concrete action for the environment in Brazil. It can also be seen from the article that he posts for becoming the 14th Eco-generation Ambassador to Brazil a total of 90 Articles, it is the number very much. We wish always work and success for Luiz.


2. Arushi Madan in UAE recommends Bindu Bhandari in Nepal.

The Most inspiring Ambassador:Bindu Bhandari(Nepal). She has been putting sincere efforts in stimulating environmentally conscious attitude in young children. She has a deep understanding of environment, is very independent and her drive towards her goal is very inspiring. This was evident from the way she installed a solar panel at her home, which was her long time dream. She doesn¡¯t hesitate to help other local environmental associations like she went as facilitator to Child and Youth Concern Nepal. She shed light on a real eco-hero( garbage collector)by interviewing him , motivating and supporting him. By organizing CC MUN (with 2 other ambassadors) , she utilized her knowledge and experience of GYELS and provided a wonderful platform to young leaders to discuss on various issues ,countries especially developing ones are facing today . Apart from promoting Tunza E-Gen through her various events, she also set up Tunza Eco-Club Nepal to nurture young minds with green energy. I was touched by her courage and kindness when she went to far-flung areas to help quake hit victims. She is truly a positive and self-motivated person .Bindu


3. Anthony Emecheta in Nigeria recommends Arushi Madan in UAE.

The great Arushi Madan is one of the ambassadors that really got me wondering what I did with my younger ages. She wears the passion of a loving grandmum when it comes to issues of the environment. I have never been to UAE but she keeps us abreast of the golf news with her vivid and detailed reports. There is her report on a guy that developed a box that we could use to grow veggies in our home. I really found it innovative and it challenged me to think up environmental friendly models of some of our common house hold equipment. I often find myself running with my phone to show some of my friends the growing trend worldwide. I urge her not to relent in her activities. UAE is celebrating her now but if she keeps at it, the world will celebrate her in no distant time.


4. Rin Nadia in Indonesia recommends Bindu Bhandari in Nepal.

I recommend Bindhu Bhandari as the most inspiring ambassador in 14th term. She has braveness and awareness to people around her. I see her as the true social eco activist. Sometimes, I envy her for her interpersonal skills, ideas, braveness and her sincerity. I really hope Eco - Generation team will chose her as the best ambassador for this term. I should admit that in this term, there are many other ambassadors who are qualified to be the best one, but when I read Bindhu's reports, I was really touched and I admired her. She has a great potential to influence people and I'm sure, she will keep do eco social projects even she is no longer with Eco – Generation.


5. Chuck Chuan NG in Malaysia recommends Arushi Madan in UAE.

I would personally recommend Ms Arushi Madan as one of best Tunza Eco-Generation Ambassador. She has being one of the extraordinary ambassadors among many of us and I noticed there is something special about her. She has come across as a very hard-working ambassador, who did not hesitate to put in that bit of extra effort to stand out in fact she is also highly motivated and his apparent enthusiasm and interests in the subject of environmental issues are supported by her endless diligent of works. On inter-personal level too, Ms Arushi has dynamically volunteer herself to many social and environmental community programs and won several local, regional and international recognition for her credential. Kudos and many congratulations on her success.      Arushi


6. Luiz Bispo in Brazil recommends Bindu Bhandari in Nepal.

My most inspiring ambassador is Bindu Bhandari. She is from Nepal and I really enjoyed reading her reports about her taken environmental actions. I believe that education is the most important and significant way to change the world and cure our mother Earth. Bindu was hardly working out to environmental awareness and education among children and youth. It was very inspiring for me. I thanks to her! Weel done! =)


7. Anthony Emecheta in Nigeria recommends Bindu Bhandari in Nepal.

Bindu Bhandari did not only inspire me by her good works especially when Nepal was thrown into mourning but there is this post she wrote that completely changed my orientation and perception of environmental workers, it was her report titled 'The Real Eco-Hero'. I still hold those words dear to my heart. There was a man cleaning up the environment and making it a safer place for you and I but yet they are the ones we most certainly would look over or scorn because we do not recognize how important their lowly jobs are to a safer environment. I went at my ignorance after reading that report and ever since whenever I see an environmental worker, I stop and say thank you. From the depth of my heart I am saying a big THINK YOU to Bindu Bhandari for re-orienting me. Mother Earth will not forget you in a hurry.


8. Alina Ale in Nepal recommends Arushi Madan in UAE.

Tunza Eco-generation has been always a great inspiration for me since I knew about it for the first time. Then after I joined here as a member I could frequently see the reports of a girl Arushi Madan.Her reports were always admirable. It would show her confidence and determination to bring about the positive changes in her locality as well as global level. To be honest I was more surprised when I came to know about her age, while going through her reports I never thought she was a girl at her early teenage. Her achievements enthralled me. Not everyone builds them up like she has build up herself at a small age. Her confidence, consciousness about every environmental issues, judgment level, and analytical power amazes me always. She is a leading environmental leader and I see her stepping higher and higher ahead. Her every action is it about saving energy in her whole apartment or interacting with women's about green living on Teej or collecting medicines for the needy ones or planting on her parents anniversary, every little thing she does, it isn't for that moment only it's certain that she has taught those involved and her fellow ambassadors around the globe. This well composed, confident girl who is a true Eco-warrior has always been an inspiration for me.


9. Bindu Bhandari in Nepal recommends Luiz Bispo in Brazil.

I can't miss recommending my fellow ambassador Mr. Luiz as one of the most inspiring ambassador of 14th term. His engagement in inculcating green behavior among youths and applying it by himself either through participation in research project or visiting children home or other ways is appreciable. Also he is the one who loves spreading green words through frequent posting of articles.He is one of the most active user who posts kind comments to almost every articles. Actually, his supportive fiance Jiye deserves the recommendation too. They are green couples of our global family.


10. Bindu Bhandari in Nepal recommends Arushi Madan in UAE.

I would love to recommend proudly dear Arushi Madan sister for most inspiring Ambassador of 14th Term. Words aren't enough to express the reasons behind my recommendation. Mature beyond her age I can see it clearly how passionate she is to advocate for environment and the serious issues related. May it be on ground activities like "A dose of Help" or publishing appealing articles in the newspapers, disseminating the ideas and motivation through interviews etc. her dedication is clearly reflected in her action. To summarize, I would say she is an honest, determined, promising and emerging eco- leader, a source of inspiration to many youths including me. She is an Eco- Hero for whom I will never get tired of admiring.


And the best ambassador of the 14th term is.......................