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[World] Winner Announcement of monthly event for April

by Eco Generation | 07-05-2015 10:38

Dear Tunza Eco-generation fellows,

We do appreciate your active participation in our Earth Day Celebrations! Though more members participated, we couldn't find either world report or plan. To win the Tunza Eco-generation T-shirts, you had to submit your plan and then post your action at the world report.
If there are anyone who think you're missing in this list, please let us know!
T-shirts will be delivered at the end of May because of the mailing status of some countries such as Nepal. 
In the mean time, please join us with our monthly event for May so that we can save our mailing cost as well as reduce our carbon footprint. (We strongly believe that some of the winners will win this month again.  lol)
We'll look forward to many entries to the neighborhood's biodiversity map!

Name Plan
sundar ghimire from this earth day i am going to recycle the newspapers that i buy everyday. i will be keeping safe all the waste papers and newspapers and recycle it.
Mehak Sood Hi everyone, This year for Earth Day, I had planned to reach out to people and encourage them to switch of the lights during the Earth Hour and also make them aware of the reasons as to why we celebrate this day. I had also projected a volunteering session on the Earth Day by collaborating with Dubai Electricity and Water Authority and create awareness regarding the latter. In my plan for the Earth Day, I even had to go distribute flyers in order to have loads of people joining us for this good initiative. Mehak Sood
UDEH CHIAGOZIE For the 2015 earth, I chose to do awareness through my university radio station to bring the earth day to the consciousness of the people and also wrote a news out of it which will be rread for a whole day.
Dharmendra Kapri In the occasion of Earth Day, I will organize an awareness event to aware school student about various environmental problems such as climate change and climate crisis , and in the meantime I will also promote TEG platform among school students.
Samuel Muoria My name is Samuel Muoria Ng'ang'a , I have helped organized a clean up and a tree planting activity along Kirichwa River Kubwa during the World Earth Day , Under the theme ¡°Green Cities Campaign¡± to help cities around the world become more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint I plan to attend the 4th Edition of Earth Race 2015 continues to focus on Promoting and investing in cycling which will contribute to the shift away from fossil-fuel based modes of transport.
Arushi Madan To Commemorate earth day , I will : 1. Clear the clutter from my wardrobes to save the excess energy being used by AC (when wardrobes are overfull with unwanted /old clothes). I plan to donate the unwanted clothes to the needy and less fortunate ones. 2. Spread awareness and try to inspire others for caring for environment –by writing to various media , giving simple tips to reduce carbon footprint. 3. Collect recycleables . 4. Will reuse waste paper by making paper bag and paper flower . 5. Adopt one new green habit i.e. will start using home made cleaner 6. Participate in online Environment event ¡°Eco Family Contest¡± by describing & sharing with everyone how eco friendly our family is . I hope this will inspire other families.
Jayson Villeza These are the things that I will do on EARTH DAY! 1. I will promote my support for environmental awareness and protection through my social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by posting photos or messages about the environment. 2. I will tell my friends and co-workers about the importance of energy conservation as we work on our offices. 3. I will inform people about EARTH DAY and its significance to our future. 4. I will invite people to do the things I stated from numbers 1 to 3. Happy Earth Day!
vinay sabbithi Why These Plastic & Polythene Bags try these Cloth & Jute Bags. On the Eve of Earthday we planned and pledged to use cloth & jute bags on replacing all the plastic materials in our home. we will also clean the beach and also distribute jute bags to one village people. Here in this photo you can the back pack i am wearing is made of my old Jeans, file folder in my hand is made from jute bags and also a Jute bag on other hand and a pen made from bamboo depicts my lifestyle in day to day life, i also make public aware to use these products in saving environment.we will also release a press note for this Eco-friendly life style.
Ulfiana Ayu Kusumawati I walk to the campus instead of riding a private car. I bring the tumbler wherever I go instead of buying plastic bottles using totebag better than using plastic bags. recycling plastic or paper waste that has been unused. and I invite friends, people around me to do the same, GREENLIFESTYLE do little but have a major impact to the environment. It's so fun!
kushal ghimire i will be carrying my own bag when i go to market and i will be not using any plastic bags. Even if i have to use them, i will recycle them.
Prashant Bhandari This Earth Day I want to do sth simple yet sth close to people, sth we can easily do but we don't do unknowingly or even knowingly. UNPLUGGING OUR DEVICES. I borrowed this idea from one of the report I read in Tunza, (ThankYou to the Tunza Family forthat) I intend to host a Group Commitment Event, where we will Write, I unplug My Device(mobile,laptop anything) for....( one could write for environment or for earth or it could even be sth personal like for my mother, for my unborn children :D ) And that last part will hopefully make the commitment long lasting and finally develop into a habit. Excited!
Alina Ale Protecting our mother Earth is our foremost duty as a inhabitant of this planet. I will always implicate my activities in such a way that they'll do less harm to the environment around,it shall be my commitment for every day. And for this time i do not have a big plan but i want to join hands with all the people around the globe through my small action.Thank you for this initiation Eco-Generation,it will certainly have a great impact arround the globe. At my university hostel there is a notice board and as for the purpose why it is kept therethere are piles of notice some days.And those notice papers are rarely printed on both sides and those notice papers are just dumped in the garbage bin after the information is no more needed.So what i have thought of is collecting those papers and compiling them so that i can use them to take some notes or for practicing problems.This way i hope i can help in not letting those paper being wasted without use.So,my goal is reusing those notice papers. :)
Rohan Kapur On this Earth Day, I am going to conclude the campaign which I started as a part of ¡®Earth Day Month¡¯, as I would like to call it, ¡®The 3Rs Pick and Drop Green Box¡¯. The aim of this initiative is to encourage Reusing, Reducing and Recycling at the same time. The testimony to that statement lies in the explanation of the idea. This box was an initiative in my building which I am taking to inculcate the values of environmental conservation through practical, and a useful experience. As the new academic year has begun in most Indian schools, it is palpable that students will have loads of books of the previous year¡¯s leftover, whilst they may need some books for reference that may have been used by their seniors. As soon as I spread the word, this box became a big hit, with children of all ages, coming and contributing books for recycling, whilst picking up the books that they need. Even I am going to use the course and reference books that have been dropped by my seniors and did not buy new books this time, in my efforts to go green. When you ¡®Drop¡¯ a book, you are Recycling, while ¡®Picking¡¯ a book, you are Reusing, and in the whole process, you are Reducing waste to Landfill. Even though it may not be feasible to directly take part, I encourage all the young budding environmentalists to start the initiative in their country, too, so that we can spread the chain. Who says ¡®Pick n Drop¡¯ is a concept used only in commuting?
Prerana Pai I love nature. I treat everyday as Earth Day. However, to make "22nd April - Earth Day" special in every way, I intend to make a poster with specific tips to reduce our Ecological Footprint, and post it on social media for my friends and family to see to increase awareness. I will reduce water, electricity usage that day to the bare minimum. I will plant a sapling.
Ni Putu Wulan Romianingsih I will celebrate Earth Day by planting mangrove and taking plastic garbage around the mangrove plantation
Abdessamad B On the occasion of the Earth day on April 22, 2015, and as animator of the environment club of the association ¡° friends of high school students ¡° .I will organize ¡° Environmental Excursion¡° in TIZIRI Forest- Sidi Bel Abbes with the participation of secondary students from various high schools in Sidi Bel Abbes This event is part of the celebration of the Earth Day and in order to the notice of responsibility in the protection of earth and forests, which play an important role in the conservation of natural resources and climate change mitigation. This event will include: - Identify TIZIRI Forest, and doing exploratory tour. - Tree-planting campaign in the forest , where will be planting 100 trees of Aleppo pine . - Eat lunch and then a short break. - A cleaning campaign in the forest . - identify the different plants, trees, insects, birds existed in the forest. - Provide some guidance by Foresters detachment of the region about: * The risk of pine processionary and many ways to fight and control it. * How to maintain forests. - Distribution of brochures about forests, its benefits, how to maintain them, how Planting a Tree.
Mohit Talreja On earth day, I will promote the importance of recycling by putting recycle boxes of newspapers and plastic on various floors of my building. Since a lot of damage arises from using plastic, it is incumbent to recycle and reuse it in order to reduce the amount of landfills. Recycling newspapers helps to conserve natural resources for the future generations, helps to reduce our carbon footprint and also saves energy thereby protecting the environment. I will also make an effort to convert trash to treasure. I will convert used material into much more reusable form which will not only help to protect the environment but be decorative and attractive. I will make an effort to use old plywood for making a brand new cabinet. I will also use my solar charger to charge all the mobile phones at my home and go one step forward to encourage the use of renewable energy. These are my plans for this year¡¯s Earth Day 2015 which will go in collaboration with the Eco-Generation theme of the year, Global Impact of Youth Actions.
Prakriti Dhakal On this Earth Day , I will use Cycle instead of Vehicles,Motorcycles to save energy and aware other people to use Cycles regularly for minor work.So we can save energy. Thank You !!
Sujan Adhikari On this earth Day , we are organising a Program that Promotes people to use Cycles for short distance to save energy. It will be a great program indeed and will surely make people aware about effects of burnt fuel in environment. Hope people will use cycles and save energy and save earth. Also I will be using Cycle whole day to Save Energy.
Brian Waswala Land degradation has been and continues to be a challenge to the achievement of sustainable development in many countries. In a bid to promote climate smart agriculture, soil conservation and adapt to climate change, I assembled my community, created awareness on habitat restoration and planted over 200 trees in western Kenya (Gem).
Reshma Gurung To the admin Ecogeneration, Firstly great thanks for such wonderful events for motivating the youths like us who are eager and willing to save the nature and conserve it. I want to apply for the event. For the monthly event for April, I have decided to do following action plan: 1. As it is season of spring, I want to add beauty to it by planting flowers with my sisters. 2. We have some used plastic bottles, so I am planning to recycle it by planting small flower plant or herbs in it. 3. I will be pouring water daily in a routine as it is going to be dry and hot summer after spring in Nepal. That's all, hope it'll be joyful and fun. Thanks once again, Ecogeneration!! I am your great fan.
Noah Alorwu The program will be held at Keta Senior High Technical School, with the following activities clean-up exercise in all basic schools in Keta at 6:00 am where at 10:00 am, there will be a drama and a lecture on environmental protection at Keta Senior High Technical School. There will be a handicraft training for toddlers after which there will be tree planting by school children in the Keta Township at 2:00 pm. All this activities will be done to commemorate the world earth day celebration.
aness nyaboga On Earth day 2015, I will be using the bus as I usually do everyday to commute to school. In addition, I will be posting environmental awareness articles and links on my social media pages before and after the 22nd to raise people's awareness. On 25th April, I will take part in the 4th edition of Earth Race, an annual cycling event that is held in commemoration of Earth Day every year. The cycling challenge will be held in Muguga Forest in my country. The aim of the event is fun with the purpose of creating a platform to bring people together to advocate for safe cycling and promote environmental awareness. It also aims to encourage increased investment in cycling within Kenyan cities, as a sustainable mode of transport, to fight against increased pollution & climate change.
Jae Yeon Kang 1. In order to save energy and not waste energy, I will remove cellphone charger from the wall socket when my cellphone is fully or almost charged. 2. I will turn off or shut down the calculator when I am not using it in order to save batteries. Batteries are made from chemicals such as nickel which proves to be very toxic and can therefore cause damage to humans¡¯ health and environment. Thus, minimizing the use of batteries and therefore producing fewer used batteries are pivotal in saving the environment. 3. I live in the Philippines,which is well-known for its tropical climate and its extremely hot weather. So many people including me rely on using air conditioner for constant supply of cool air. I will, however, switch air conditioner off when not using and try minimizing the use of air conditioner as much as possible. 4. I will make sure to recycle in order to reduce the amount of waste produced. 5. Instead of using only one side of the paper, I will use both sides of the paper in order to lessen the paper waste produced. 6. I will use Thermos, which plays an important role in keeping beverages such as water hot or cold. In fact, opening and closing refrigerator wastes about 100kWH of electricity per year, so when I use Thermos, I can reduce the number of times I open and close the fridge. 7. I will raise more plants at my house in order to provide and supply oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide within my house.
prakash poudel I am writing a poem in tribute towards the love to the mother Earth and sharing it on Social Medias. I believe the awareness in the form of poems and songs are very reminding and effective to the people.
sudeep ghimire 1. Resolution for earth day 2015 I have made a resolution to change on the occasion of Earth Day 2015. From now onwards, I will not be using auto to travel to market. However, I have committed myself to use a bicycle as an ecofriendly transport medium to travel an average distance. Furthermore, I will carry my own bag to market.
Bam Azores I will visit some dormitories on Earth Day 2015 and do an orientation about the Sachet Recovery Program. Dormitories are good for this project because this is where many college or university students stay and they use shampoos, conditioners, soaps, toothpastes and detergents in sachets (softaflextic wrappers), which if disposed of improperly can end up in landfills or waterways. I will make collection of sachets a project in different dormitories and the collected sachets will be sent to the Materials Recovery Facility through Unilever Philippines. For every 170 kilos of sachets collected, we get back 1,000 ecobricks or pavers that can be used by the community in construction or landscaping projects. I will also visit the Ateneo Innovation Center and propose a Floating Green Filter (FGF) for a polluted stream that passes through the university grounds. This is a low-cost, low-tech, low-maintenance, but highly effective natural filtration system introduced to us by two environmental engineers from China.
Simran Vedvyas SynergY is going big for Earth Day in Dubai SynergY is partnering with Accor and Goumbook Give a Ghaf Trees as the organisations to promote energy conservation, environmental education, and youth leadership during this Earth Day season. As Founder of SynergY, and since its inception I have promoted much using the youth advocacy group to spread and raise awareness, making a great impact in Dubai s community most notably through the Earth Hour campaign and the Plant for the Planet campaign. The recent Plant for the Planet campaign by Accor Hotels and Goumbook aims to plant 1000 native Ghaf trees through the Give a Ghaf Tree Planting Program in various landfills in the UAE during this year. The first event of the Plant for the Planet campaign was held on February 28th, planting 100 trees at Al Warsan Landfill in Dubai and the next event is upcoming in April, marking the occasion of Earth Day. All students in UAE are Welcome to Sign Up for the Event and Participate
Basu Noname I have installed water level indicator in my home and school to buzz a alarm whenever overflowing occurs. I am also working on a sensor to be installed in bathroom that will capture voices of it's surrounding and will differentiate from them to understand water droplet tapping and will then buzz a alarm.
Praseed Priyanka I am planning to prepare a presentation on how to reduce plastic and paper wastage in a Corporate environment to a gathering of around 50 decision makers. Tips will be given on how to do this. By following these tips, the firms can reduce their cost on stationary items too.
Venkatesan Sundar On this Earth Hour,I intend to participate in the ANNUAL WALKATHON organized by BEEA'H in Sharjah. BEE'ah is an integrated waste management company based in Sharjah. Myself and my family members are sincere participants of all the environmental activities initiated by BEEA'h. This is the third year of the walkathon and I have participated every since the first walkathon. I intend to reiterate the pledge of following the 3 R's - REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE with my mother. I also intend to participate in the Earth Hour activities in school
Anthony Emecheta For the Earth day, I will be taking a public transport instead of a private car.
Baek Seungah I will use public transportation instead of riding a privately-owned car. I will try to save water and electricity. I will not use a paper cup. I will use a cup while brushing my teeth.
Rahul Acharya The summer about to hug us tightly. The woolen clothes all packed in. The cotton taken out. Heat is sweeping all around. There we have AC's and fans turned on 24/7 throughout the city. Refrigerator being used at its full fledged. But that wont be the case at least in our home. That's what my Plan for the Earth Day is 'Wont use the AC but the fan'. That will be my commitment not only for a day but for the whole summer of 2015. With energy efficient technologies all surrounding us. I would change the remaining CFL's of my room with LED light. Thus the plan that i will commence from today in a tribute to Earth Day is 'Wont use the AC but the fan.... LED not the CFL'
Luiz Bispo On the Earth Day, I plan to make a planting activity with children in the non-profit organization CASA DO BOM MENINO (House of Good Boys). The institution support children that do not have family and so need our help. I hope that on 22th of April they can enjoy the planting activity.