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[World] Our action plans in 2015

by Eco Generation | 03-03-2015 17:11

Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,

As you all know, we have called for applications to the preliminary, action plans in 2015 to gain strength in changing our world in the sustainable way.

Tunza Eco-generation have collected the action plans of our members around the world which will make a difference throughout the region.

We would like to share some of the best plans on how youth can be part of the 'Global Impact'.


Please read our members action plans and prepare your own ones in your situation.


Ultimately, we will ask the behavioral integrity of these members whether they have completed their action plans. The best ones who made their plan into action shall automatically become the candidates of 2015 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards.


We do appreciate your plans and please join us to make an impact during the year 2015!

Though you haven?t share your action plans, if you have done anything for our the environment, please feel free to share on World Report.


We will look forward to many campaigns of the youths around the world.


All the best,

Eco-generation team

Swasamon Jaidee (Thailand)


1. Share

I still like the way of sharing through entertainment. I believe that if the kids have fun, they will eventually learn at the end of the day. The knowledge you gain in class is based on your attendance. If the audience doesn't want to attend or participate, the activity won't be completed. I still want to go with my ways of setting activity up which are story telling and teaching art. The knowledge won't be complicate. There's so many ways of going green that can be done easily in common everyday life. That's the parts of knowledge children need to know.


2. Motivate

My target group is still the young ones. They are the future generation therefore our future depends on them. It's the best way to start giving them the right understanding since they are young. I strongly believe that children power is the most powerful thing in the world. So, it's very important to create the right view to children for them to make the right choice when they grow up. Children tend to be interested in fun activities. So, i think story-telling and art activities are ways to go.


3. Believe

I believe that if we are willing to do something, we can actually succeed in doing so. I'm just a tiny, tiny part of this world but I think I can spread my ideas via the TUNZA website platform. It's the platform of green living that we, children, can access easily. The earth has given us so many things. Now, it's time to give good things back to the earth or at least protect it.


Samuel Muoria (Kenya)


Dear Eco-Generation Team and Ambassadors, RE: 2015 ACTION PLAN FOR THE 14TH ECO-REGIONAL AMBASSADOR TO KENYA My 2015 Action plan during my term as the 14th Tunza Eco generation Ambassador to Kenya comes at a time when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report Synthesis noted that human influence on climate system was clear with the likelihood of irreversible climate change impacts if we did NOT act fast locally and internationally. The window of action is rapidly closing and today we have a choice.


STEP ONE: SHARE WHAT I WILL DO As the current 14th Tunza Eco-Gen Ambassador to Kenya I plan to share environmental conservation initiatives from Kenya to the rest of the world through Tunza Eco-Gen website and social media platform .I will also engage children and youth from Kenya and the rest of the world in developing best environmental sustainability initiatives. I plan to introduce a Tree seedlings nursery project in local Primary Schools using Ecopro Initiative so as to engage primary school kids , pupils in environmental conservation training and awareness through establishment and maintenance of the tree seedlings. Working together with the primary teachers, my approach is to work with the scouts patrons and environmental science club patrons of specific primary school, share with them the idea, and our plan. This project will build on knowledge and skills on climate conservation and biodiversity importance at a local level through pupil ambassadorial approach since the tree seedlings will be awarded to the children to take home. I have been able to bring together a different youth networks with similar interest in environment conservation to establish Ecopro Iniative and as the 14th Eco-Generation Ambassador my role is to translate best environmental sustainable initiatives in waste management ,renewable energy, agribusiness , so that we can create employment opportunities.


STEP TWO:MOTIVATE Young people comprises the majority in Africa .In Kenya the majority of unemployed remain to be youths .As population increase ,so development occurs that has negative effect to the ecosystem .Therefore environmental conservation education and awareness is critical for sustainable future . As the Director of Ecopro Initiative I am leading a team of 15 youths with likeminded environmental conservation ideas to develop an environmental manual with information that we shall later share with Kenyan pupils in primary Schools. Ecopro Initiative plan to approach bodies such as United Nations Environment Program, Division of Environmental Education and Training Unit, National Environment Management Authority, and Ministry of Environment and Natural resources , Teachers and other stakeholders so as to Involve every project stakeholder for successful outcome. I am venturing in waste management project ,recycling waste paper to produce valuable products .As the 14th Eco-Gen Ambassador to Kenya I plan to create and engage the youths in environmental conservation while at the same time create employment opportunities .I am keep on learning how to produce Eco-Pens in partnership Tunza Eco-Generation Team , Ambassadors and Samsung Engineering.


STEP THREE : BELIEVE Currently I have successfully founded Ecopro Initiative Community Based Organization, a registered network of different youth groups from Central Province of Kenya with a vision of ¡®Improved livelihoods through sustainable resource management¡±. Ecopro Initiative aim is to create employment opportunities for the youth through environmental conservation and agribusiness practices. Working together with youths we have started implementing our activities so as to meet our goal. ¡°I BELIEVE THAT AFRICAN FUTURE BELONGS TO ITS YOUNG PEOPLE, YOUTHS ARE THE GENERATION OF CHANGE ,WE ARE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THE FUTURE¡± This year theme being ¡°youth empowerment for Environmental Sustainability¡±, I shall engage in product development such in Eco-Pen production, energy efficient and eco-briquettes among other ventures. Currently little is known in Kenya on Eco-Friendly products yet there is a lot of waste that is produced especially in urban areas. Working closely with Tunza Eco-Generation and other networks I will be keen to translate ideas and technologies to produce a sustainable business that can engage youths in Ecopro Initiative. I am also looking to creating networks for youths and children in Kenya involved in promoting climate change education through our online platform and also organizing environmental educational exchange visits, conferences like UNEP- Tunza Children and Youth , Global Youth Forums conference among others Social Media networking of local children and youths through organization website and Tunza Facebook platforms


Oyite Tungaraja (Tanzania)


Dar es Salaam was recently rated 12th filthiest city in the world. Action without delay is required to clean up our growing metropolis for the betterment of the environment and public health ¡®We are one step closer to a cleaner and greener city of Dar es Salaam¡¯

• CLEAN DAR BY 2020 is a project established with the aim of realising a sustainable and clean Dar es Salaam by the year 2020.

• The aim is to sensitize communities/general public on proper waste management systems and practice in the Kinondoni and Temeke districts of Dar es Salaam. Beneficiaries will be sensitized on individual responsibilities, community cleanup initiatives, challenges and possible solutions. Generally, the problem addressed here is waste management, and this specific project will enlighten the community about why waste is bad, which will go together with dustbin/station points installation in select streets

• With the successful implementation of the mentioned activities, the communities along these two dirty leading districts will become healthy, cleaner, and even financially stable through resource recovered eg. recycling activities

• Most current waste problems are related a poor existing waste management system, education and awareness on environment and implementation of environment rules which contributes to an outbreak of health consequences including, malaria, typhoid, cholera and more

• We will be working on twenty four (24) wards in each district. The project is expected to run from 2015 – 2020.


Alina Ale (Nepal)


Little contributions of youth around the world shall definitely bring great positive change and can rescue today's world that is at chaos due to we humans. I don¡¯t know how much sucessful i shall be but i want to try my best.

My plan is as follow:

1) To conduct school teaching on "Importances of wetlands" I have been doing this with the help of my class mates and shall continue it on coming days too.

2) To raise awareness on importance of "Wildlife Conservation" According to WWF earth has already lost half of the wildlife's in the past 40 years. And still many species are under great threat of extinction. Researches are being conducted and conservation measures are being applied but still their risk of getting lost from this planet seems to be constant.

3) To be involved in sanitation activities and raise environmental awareness Though we all know how to keep our house clean more often it seems like we don¡¯t know it in the outside. We often ignore the little things and don¡¯t realize the whole fact that the city, village, water sources, schools, hospitals etc are polluted because of us. So we must be conscious about our mistakes and act right before blaming others and avoiding our responsibility.

4) To inspire people to plant trees on their birthday Plants gives us life. we need them from birth till the end of our life. They are required for the sustainability of whole mankind. I have seen this culture of planting trees on birthday's and i want to promote it. These are my plans for 2015 and hope I¡¯ll be able to reach them all. Thank you Tunza for always inspiring us and keeping us engaged in eco-friendly activities.


Prashant Bhandari (Nepal)


1.Share : A couple of years ago I was indifferent towards the climate change, global warming and such for I thought I am not responsible for the deterioration. Then I joined Agriculture University where I met Professor Nirajan Bhattarai, his vision, philosophy inspired me and made me see the true bigger picture that we are all on the same boat and we no longer can act as naive. We ought to take matters into our own hand. Now I am involved in The Eco-minions, Nepalese Youth Synergy, Leo Club of patihani, Clean Up Nepal where I work and try to ensure green sustainable future.

2. Motivate: this year I intend to motivate two age groups viz. Housewives and Secondary level students. Housewives are busy in their work and they couldn¡¯t care less about environment so what I want is inspire and train them if needed to manage the degradable waste of the kitchen and create organic manure through vermin composting and collect plastics to sell it and also inspire them to carry their own bag while shopping. I shall create co-ordination among Aama samuha ie. Mothers¡¯ group and our university professor through The Eco-minions and Leo Club of Patihani. For School level students I want to co-ordinate an Essay Competition which will compel them to research on environment issues and ultimately make them responsible.

3. Belief: I think. I am. I act.(now)


Terry Ng (Malaysia)


Problem Every day, we¡¯re guilty of the damaging the Earth through the little things we use. Let¡¯s be honest, we¡¯re all used to going to the mall or grocer to get that brand-name soap, and we simply don¡¯t give a second thought on the environment.

A fact: inorganic chemicals in commercial soaps can lead to damaging the environment when washed away. All the little things we use batteries with their toxic chemicals, cars burning petroleum and even our toiletries from virgin trees – all affect the environment significantly. Well what if there was an alternative? What if it¡¯s possible to both live comfortably, healthy and the same time, save the Earth sounds hard? The truth is that surprisingly - there are eco-friendly alternatives to almost every single item you can think of: Clothes? Bamboo materials are both environment friendly and more comfortable. Concrete? Aerated Concrete is made from recycled industrial waste. Batteries, surely that¡¯s bad? Nope, water-activated batteries, kinetic batteries, solar batteries all already exist today.

 There are so many eco-friendly products that we just don¡¯t know about! The problem is that not only it¡¯s hard to find out about sustainable alternatives it¡¯s even harder to find a store that sells them. Plan What if there was a place where you could easily find all these products? That¡¯s where comes in. It¡¯s a start-up project I believe will change the world for the better.

 GlobalEcoMall (GEM) is the first and only global web platform exclusive for sustainable products and services in the world today. I invite you and everyone else to join – individuals and businesses alike as long as they¡¯re sustainable, to join GEM.

 At GEM, we aim to perish the hassles of finding and switching to sustainable products. is already online and free to enter for anybody interested. GEM is aiming for 1 million products/services by 2018, with 1000 in 2015 and 10x each year. It sounds like a tall target, but I believe that the world needs this! After all, it¡¯s for the world you¡¯re standing on. This is the current trend: 7% of consumers think about the environment when they shop ( With over 3 billion online users ( and 50% being online shoppers (CPC Strategy Blog), there¡¯s over 100 million people shopping green online.

 I truly believe that I can convince at least 1000 shops - that there are more than 100 million people waiting for their green products. The idea is that once more people start buying through GEM, we can inspire more businesses and people to do the same. We¡¯re going to change the world market together starting with you and me.

 The action won¡¯t just come from me alone, this involves millions if not billions of people to make a small difference – and it¡¯s that difference we can sustain our blue planet. Action GEM will be using a 3-step method, curate, invite and promote. First, we will seek shops and companies with a sustainable promise, and then we invite them into the company. Lastly, we will help promote these eco champions on GEM. GEM has already got a couple of local shops listed – some of them offering eco-tour packages, bamboo clothing, bio-fertilizers, recycled bags and more. Soon GEM wants everyone to come on board, so that they too have a place to tell their sustainable story.

 Here¡¯s what I¡¯m going to do: I wish to seek help from everyone: my friends, your friends, and you too – just simply spreading the news helps GEM to grow. I ask of you to tell the world about GEM - to tell the world that a bright, healthy future awaits us all. To conclude, we all have to convince the world that we are responsible for what happens to the world. Let¡¯s make the Earth a better place to live, come check out and let¡¯s start changing the future today!




Gaabhin Ryu (South Korea)


1. I will carry out an anti-food-waste program in my region & school, and introduce the specifics of the campaign throughout the world. The program will mainly consist of postering, advertising about food waste and its hazardous impacts to the environment. Eco leaders will design posters of food-waste that are visually provoking, which will influence common people to be interested on the topic. After the week of advertisement, school systems and policies within individual schools would be reformed (with the help of some friends from each school) to monitor cafeterias to balance the amount of foodwaste created in the surrounding education systems. My friends and I will lead environmental groups that will check and make statistics of the food waste produced by each grade/school, then post the results publicly. Each grade/school will try to lessen their amount of food waste (as a sort of competition), followed by prizes. Students will tend to feel guilty when they contribute to making more food waste, and we will help them understand the importance of environmental conservation. Less food waste will be promoted through this systems, while students themselves will naturally be motivated to make each other waste less.


2. I will motivate the students and youths of my region who are nonchalant about food waste. Many believe that they are not responsible for the waste that they produce, and are oblivious that their careless actions could bring great impacts to the environt. Through my program, I hope to stimulate these people who have the capacity to change, only are just too afraid to change.


3. I do not believe that my campaign will bring change to the world. And I do not believe that it will bring any change to my nation. Yet, I believe that my campaign will change some part of what we see, some part of the world that I - a part that we may or may not be able to see with the naked eye. It will bring change somewhere deep inside the hearts of some who used to be oblivious, and many who used to be careless. I know that is some part of the world I can bring change to, and I certainly will.


Rahul Acharya (Nepal)


First of all thank you so much Tunza Eco Generation for this wonderful event of the February months.

 As the Eco generation¡¯s 2015 theme ¡®Global Impact of Youth Impact¡¯ itself states, no matter where we are, no matter who we are, no matter how big or small we are, each of our action counts, each of our activities towards the conservation of mother land, each of our action to promote healthy environment counts.

 We are youth, we have infinite potential and we have zeal to do something, something for our betterment, something for the betterment of human kind and something for the betterment of our earth, our only home land.

 The year 2015, for me began with great energy. And I aim to let my passion for the conservation of environment keep on burning. And this time I won¡¯t limit my passion to ¡®only me¡¯ but will ignite the passion of conserving environment and ¡®let¡¯s do something, let¡¯s act right now and right from where we are standing¡¯ feeling to my friends, to the youths around me and to the people.

 I promise to aware more and more youths to raise their voice, join hand in hand and march together towards the conservation of the environment. I will inspire them to set themselves as an example for not only their community, not for their nation only but for the entire world. I will encourage them act responsibly as the global citizen and develop the feeling that we youths are the ¡®Environmental Ambassador¡¯ of present time. ¡®Environmental Ambassador¡¯ who on one hand teach elders/previous generation about their activities and assist them making it sustainable and eco friendly and on other hand become example, source of inspiration for coming generation and spark the ¡®conservation¡¯ and ¡®responsible-to-their-environment¡¯ feeling in them and make those feeling temperament.

 Throughout the year I will do my best to attend workshops, conference and training from local to Inter/national level and share my knowledge through social networking sites and most popularly through Tunza Eco generation. I will implement what I learned there to my life and encourage other youths as well to follow the same suit. I am committed towards increasing participation of many school kids as well into environment related activities.

 I will first make them aware about how our little actions are deteriorating the health of environment and ultimately attacking our own health. And again I will motivate them by showing how our tiny activities have global impact and long term effect in conserving our motherland. In today¡¯s social networking sites¡¯ era, where most of the youths are totally drenched by it, there is no doubt how the online profile of one youth is correlated with the changing behavior of his/her circle/friends. So to make optimum utilization of the Social networking sites (SNSs) and spread positive vibe, I will use SNSs as the mean of spreading environmental message and update my every activity.

 And in 2015, I will increase my participation into environment related activities by manifolds. I will organize, collaborate and participate in the activities like cleanliness campaign, awareness program, tree plantation, environmental-art/poster competitions, and other creative programs. I know what I have promised may not be easy to attempt. But I am fully committed to my promises.

 And 2015 will be truly year of the action, action of the youths, and action with the global impact. For this, I may have to endure some pain, go through thick and thins and win out the hurdle, tackle some hindrances but such problems won¡¯t be the reasons for me to deviate from my commitment rather I will use them as the support and ladder to reach closer to my dream, nearer to my commitment and successfully translate my ¡®words¡¯ into ¡®action¡¯.

 To put it in nutshell, motivate and include youths around me and ultimately from every nooks and corners of the world, increase the participation of the school kids in environmental related activities, share my knowledge through SNSs and Tunza Eco Generation and conduct and participate environmental related activities are my commitment for the 2015 as the global youth, as the responsible global citizen and as conscious human being. I will adhere to my commitment make 2015 much fruitful. ¡°GET MOTIVATED TO MOTIVATE¡±


UDEH CHIAGOZIE          (Nigeria)


My beloved country Nigeria is one that is still struggling to adopt world class environmental measures. Lack of adequate awareness, facilities and commitment by the citizens are some of the challenges that have kept Nigeria in the low, environment-wise. We have a problem of inadequate and poor drainage channels, poor waste management system and myriads of other problems that affect our environment. I have been working to remedy the situation but now, I am ready to take a more bold step.

SHARE(MY PLANS): I want to setup an Eco-Generation club in every secondary school I visit from April 2015. Through that, the longevity of conservationists and enviroactivists in Nigeria will be ensured. This will really help my awareness campaign as the information will get to the very grassroot. I will also engage the secondary school students creatively via paintings contests on environmental issues, essays, debates and community service works to ensure that they don't lose passion one moment for this commitment. Now, I will be partnering with various organizations, governments and individuals to help sponsor all the programmes I will be rolling out this year. Especially the one on the World Environment Day. I intend to motivate the participating students with gift items as well as tasks to plant trees that I will provide amongst other things. Also, in this call for action, I have decided to visit the Cholera affected parts of Anambra state to provide them environmental education and assist them with clean drinking water. I once wrote a story of the "Obara Stream" last year which was greatly threatened. In fact, that stream at the moment risk going extinct. I am hopeful of saving the Obara stream this year. It will cost me a big amount of money but I am hoping to get support from individuals and government. It is also in my plans to strongly push for some legislations that will help protect the environment here in Nigeria. Both through the national assembly and state assemblies Again, I want to strongly make Eco-Generation the major stakeholder in environmental issues in my university, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka and other universities by setting up an Eco-team in each.

MOTIVATE: I want to motivate Nigerians to realize the magnitude of our environmental challenges and care more for the environment through my committed passion in environmental activities, publishing articles on environmental topics in our national dailies, through road shows and aggressive awareness campaigns (including radio messages that will run continuously for at least six months).

I BELIEVE: I believe in myself as Chiagozie Udeh, I believe in myself as the TUNZA Eco-Generation ambassador to Nigeria that I will achieve my 2015 action plan. Since I can think it, I can also do it. I have written a lot on the environment and still do, but it's time to do,do and do.

Olga Efimova    What is pure snow? Meet the volunteers this ecological school ¢à16. What is pure snow? Unfortunately, it is a pity that few people today sees pure white snow. Every day we trample and don¡¯t notice around us dirty and gray snow. Coming home on the shoes remain smudges from "pure" snow. Parents ceased to allow children to play in the snow, making snowmen, ride on snowing slippery dip, it's not because of cold, it's because of the all the child clothes will be dirty after playing with dirty snow. Only then we ask ourselves: Where did you pure snow? With these thoughts I decided to conduct share. Assembled together with volunteers from the ecological school ¢à16, we had to debate on the topic pure snow. We come up with a slogan and the name of our campaign "We want pure the snow!¡± Our guys were asking passers-by: Are you satisfied with their pure snow? What factors affect the pollution of snow? Is it possible to fix these problems? The answers were different. Someone said that to blame pollution plant, cars emissions and debris, another said that it our fault. People also offer their own versions, which could make snow purer for example: the use cars on solar powered, or on the water instead petrol, to install filters on the factories. Our action was published in the media. Hope offers of residents will be discussed in local administration.


Syifa Waras Utami (Indonesia)


Plans That Youths Can Do To Handle

The Deforestation


We know that our earth is in dangerous situation and is dying. This can harm the human beings, plants, and animals around the world. One of the problems in our earth is deforestation. According to the data rate of deforestation (forest damage) from 2003-2006, issued by the Ministry of Indonesian Forestry, the rate of deforestation in Indonesia reached 1.17 million hectares per year. Indonesia has been claimed as the country with the fastest rate of deforestation by Guiness Book of The Record. Not only Indonesia, but also other countries have lost big number of their forest. For example, one of the regions in Africa has no more forest, in Brazil especially in the Amazon lost many numbers of hectares, and so does in India. The deforestation has been a big problem since a long time ago. People in the whole world also have done many ways in order to pressing the number of trees which cut off. Yet, it is still happening out there. We¡¯ve got the impact of the deforestation, like disaster, flood, temperature rise, the occurrence of extinction, and many more. I have some ideas how to handle the deforestation.

First, we know that big impact starts form small action. We, as the young lads, have to make transformation in our self. We should change our own self so that people will see us as the guideline figure. Show our good behavior to the people around us, such as our care to the plants, our concern to the environment, and our proper to the people. As I said before, deforestation is a big problem. What we should do is not working alone fixing our damaged region in our country, but making cooperation.

 Why cooperation? Cooperation is needed because we can stand together and work together to handle and to prevent the deforestation so that our mission that is having a green earth will come true. We can build the cooperation with the government and people in the whole world. Government as the important role in decision making is able to make the laws for those who cut off the forest and participate in reforestation action. Communicate with the government by sending letters, discussion, and negotiation about the deforestation. We also have to cooperate with the people and the youths around the world. We can make a propaganda to stop the deforestation such as illegal logging, woods stealing, opening land, etc. It can be implemented through media social, pamphlet, electronic devices, forest carnival on the road, and others at the same time. If we do this, we can have power to change the world.

 The third is, with government, we can make education and establish the construction of sustainable environmental. The target in this plan is the deforestation companies, especially in furniture companies that use woods as their main material. We have to remind them to reforest and to recovery the land they have used. Not only the companies, but people and government also have to participate in this plan. We should give them socialization about what the important of the forest is and the impact of the lost forest. Tell what people can do with small things to decrease the number of deforestation, for example recycling the paper, reducing the use of wood furniture, and planting in their house. With government, we can make education and establish the construction of sustainable environmental. I believe that those plans will influence the world to be a green world if we stand together from our own self, the government, and the people because we have such a power. In this case, the youths who have innovative ideas and plans should keep contributing their role to make a better world. I conclude that to handle the deforestation we should start from our self, having relation with the government, the people, and the youths to cooperate, and establish the construction of sustainable environment. The important is we should really apply those plans.


Tapashi Binte Mahmud Chowdhury (Bangladesh)


My 2015 resolution is to share, motivate and believe in me to make positive changes to the society.Below is the detailed description:


1. Share: It's important to share the success stories which made positive impact to the society, in order to motivate others. I have visited 1 School under TUNZA's sponsorship and spread environmental literacy among 51students in the year 2014. Near about 20 students are disseminating their knowledge in monthly basis to others, specially the street children. These 20 students are now in grade seven and hopefully they have succeeded in spreading environmental literacy among around 170 other young learners. This passing of knowledge is more effective than holding a seminar and educating those who are already aware of. However, I can share this story in two ways. a) In this era of internet, facebook is very popular in Bangladesh, so Facebook and blogs are one way to share the success stories. b) For those, who have no access to the internet, branding through posters is a pretty good idea. I can paste the posters on the schools, collage and university premises and notice boards, so that people can come to know about that.

2. Motivate: My target audience for motivating is the undergraduate students, who have enough time to spare and has the enthusiasm to put input to the society. If I select people over graduation degree, they are actually busy in searching jobs and earning livinghood, fighting for a better life. And if I choose below the undergraduate, they will have less ideas about the environment literacy. That is why I chose the undergraduate students. To motivate them, and select the change makers, I will choose inquisitive method. Which means, they will be given tasks to look around them and jot down what's going wrong with the environment. If I try to lecture them, that might not catch their attention. But if they themselves go to the field and find out how environment is being harmed, they will be alarmed themselves and get motivated to do something to protect the environment.

3. Believe: I, hereby, Tapashi Binte Mahmud Chowdhury, the 13th regional ambassador to TUNZA Eco-generation, commit and promise that I will spread environmental literacy to at least 1000 young learners with my team, and together we will bring sustainable development to the environment. I know 1000 is a small number, but if this 1000 young learners disseminate their learning to another 1000, the change will be big, I believe.

Luiz Fernando Pereira Bispo      From August 2012 to July 2013 I was managing a project in Brazil called "Forest of the Future" which is related to Environmental Education. The project started in 2008. It is a volunteer project developed by a Group of Forestry students of the University of Sao Paulo. It was designed in order to provide an opportunity to low-income family children learn about the main environment issues of Brazil. It is planned in a way to be at the same time educational and ¡°fun¡± for the children and all participants. Goals: to Increase the interest of children towards forests, restoration of degraded forests and pollution, close relationships among human beings. By mean: recreational and dynamic activities and the using of wood and non-wood products. Currently I am under a scholarship program studying in Sydney (Australia) but within few days I am returning back my home country (Brazil). As soon as I am back in Brazil I intend to start managing the project again and make children become the future "eco-generation".


Dharmendra (India)


My action plan has 5 basic steps to save our Mother Nature.

That is ¡°TREES¡± concept.

TREES consists of 5 words-

Teach, Restore, Encourage, Establish and Support.

¡¤         So, I will TEACH other about the importance of Environment and how they can help save environment.

¡¤         RESTORE damaged ecosystem by planting trees.

¡¤         ENCOURAGE people to live in a way that doesn¡¯t hurt the environment.

¡¤         Establish small eco clubs/groups in schools.

¡¤         Support companies/NGOs that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.


Well, I have many small plans to affect my community towards sustainability in the year of 2015-

1-   I will organize at least 5 environmental workshops/trainings to aware 250 children in 5 different schools and motivate them to work for environment conservation by just planting trees or start with an eco club/group.

2-   I will myself plant 15 trees in the year of 2015 and encourage 15 friends, 15 Neighbors and 15 Relatives to do the same.

3-   This year I will clean out my overstuffed closet and donate those t-shirts and trousers I haven¡¯t worn in years to a local charity.

4-   I will use bike or public transport instead of personal car, E-learning study material instead of paper material, tab water instead of packed bottled water whenever possible and encourage my friends and family members to do the same.

5-   I will turn my home into a green home by give my home an energy upgrade, Reusing waste material, Home composting, gardening and will try to set an example for other and then encourage them to adopt the same.


Last but not the least, I will SHARE my stories, projects and knowledge as detailed as possible, MOTIVATE my friends ,family members and of course I will believe in myself so that I can motivate myself and others.

I wish I hope my ¡°TREES¡± concept would be very helpful to achieve my green goals.


Thanks & Regards,

Dharmendra Kapri