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[World] 2014 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards Winners

by Eco Generation | 12-01-2015 14:28

Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,

We would like to announce the award winners for 2014 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards.
2014 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards winners are

¡á Anjum Hasan (UAE)
¡á Luiz Fernando Pereira Bispo (Brazil)
¡á Narendra Singh Rautela (India)

Though the awards only have gone to THREE Eco-heroes, we also admire all finalists who have done great campaigns from their hearts and we're more than happy to discover them and recognize them by the respected members and facebook users.
We are so happy for them as well that the votes were expression of true feelings of everyone who cares for them.
Awards may come and go, yet your hidden efforts to make our Earth better will always be cherished.

Both Recommender and Eco-hero must take a picture together with the Certificate and the Souvenir after receiving them. This is to confirm that the certificate and the souvenir are received by the right persons.
The taken picture shall be sent to Details shall be emailed to the recommenders as well as the winners within details. 
Please check your email box.

We do appreciate you and look forward to meeting you at the end of this year at 2015 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards.

Best Regards,
Eco-generation team

[2014 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards Winner 1] 
anjum winner
¡á Name: Anjum Hasan
¡á Recommended by: Rohan Kapur
¡á Activity title : A Litter Free DPS Sharjah
¡á Introduction to his/her organization: 
Anjum Ma'am works with Delhi Private School Sharjah, for the past 12 years which is the pioneer school in efficient management and holistic development in the UAE. Talents and passion towards the environment or any other fields are honed in our school. Environmentally very active, the school has achieved a lot in terms of conservation under the responsible help and clear guidance of Anjum Ma'am.

¡á Summary of the Hidden Eco-hero's activity:
Mrs. Anjum Hasan, a Biology Teacher in our school has always believed in the mantra of 'Go green, help clean!'and a sustainable, litter free and a clean and green school. Her project, 'A Litter Free DPS Sharjah' is a campaign that she has pursued to instill among the students the fire of sustainability and the awareness of a litter free school. She has tirelessly worked for the same. Many of her individual efforts include the following campaigns. She has been participating in the 'Clean Up UAE' Campaign for the past 9 years and the 'Clean Up the World' Campaign since 2012 till date. Not only this, but the awareness about not littering is spread by her in the form of Lectures, exhibitions, presentations and clubs.

Due to her remarkable efforts, she has achieved various outcomes. She introduced the Bokashi Bins in our school and thus found an efficient and useful way to dispose of food waste by composting it into manures for the organic garden. She is also the pioneer in introducing the Eco-Park in our School. This park includes everything-from old bottle, guitar and LCD monitor planters, to a fountain enclaved in an old Truck Tire shaped like a lotus, everything in the eco-park is best out of waste. 

She was also able to increase awareness among students through various innovative competitions such as Eco-Trendsetters whereby students painted green messages on old and waste T-shirts. She is an active supporter of the 'Zero Waste To Landfill by 2015' Such are the things which she has adopted for a truly sustainable school, community, emirate, nation and the entire world. Therefore I would encourage all to vote for this true hidden eco-hero as she is very well-deserving for such an award.

[2014 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards Winner 2]
¡á Name: Luiz Fernando Pereira Bispo
¡á  Recommended by: Jiye Lee
¡á  Activity title: Conservation Volunteers Australia – Three Kinds of projects

¡á Introduction to organization: Conservation Volunteers Australia has partnered with individuals, businesses and governments in the conservation of unique environment since 1982. This organization has offered thousands of volunteers from around Australia and other countries the chance to participate in a diversity of significant projects to protect and enhance environment

¡á  Summary of the Hidden Eco-hero's activity
Luiz Bispo has participated in three different projects.
1. 'Time out at Timbertops Reserve' Project – Prospect, NSW
In partnership with Blacktown Council, he will help to restore this area through a program of bush re-generation activities such as weeding and the planting of local natives
2. 'Cumberland State Forest' Project - West Pennant Hills, NSW
Restoring the native vegetation within the forest using bush regeneration principles
plant and weed identification and weed removal techniques
maintenance of recreational facilities within Cumberland State Forest
arboretum management and maintenance, which involves maintaining existing plots which were originally established in the 1940s, plus the expansion and replanting of plots.
3. 'Endangered red crowned toadlet' Project – Bradley's Head, NSW
The project focuses on hands-on bush re-generation at Bradleys Head, where to improve the toadlets native Sydney sandstone woodland habitat by removing invasive exotic weeds. Other seasonal activities include simple 'call-back' monitoring surveys for the toadlets themselves combined with educational bushwalks throughout Sydney Harbour National Park

[2014 Hidden Eco-Hero Awards Winner 3]
 Name: Narendra Singh Rautela
 Recommended by: Dharmendra Kapri
 Introduction to his/her organization: 
TGIC Eco club is an student based school club concerned with environmental conservation. TGIC eco club has been promoting Environmental improvement initiatives in U.S.N. district. TGIC eco club is active in Environment Education, Biodiversity Conservation, Waste Management & Heritage Conservation.
TGIC Eco Club has created a strong network of 5000+ students and 45 teachers which enables us to promote Environment Education and Green Community together by transforming people's lifestyles. Club is meritoriously operating in different parts of the USN district.

Summary of the Hidden Eco-hero's activity
Mr. Rautela has started an Eco club for Environmental awareness, which is working with many partners in 36 schools as of now. TGIC eco club initiative was very small it began in 2000, but since then it has become a great movement.
Mr. Rautela has been achieved so much through his initiatives and Eco-club. Now, he has a strong network of more than 5K students and 45 teachers in US district of Uttarakhand.

*Plant a tree on B?day is one of the most successful project initiated by Mr. Rautela. Through this project Mr. Rautela encourage student and teacher of his network to plant trees at least on their birthday. Before cut the cake of our B?day we plant a tree and pledge to takes all the responsibility of taking care of it. Every year TGIC eco club members together plant more than 5K trees on their B?day. (Trees can be plant anywhere in the cities)

*Environmental Training Program(ESD Project)- Mr. Rautela has been involved in ESD projects since a very long time. He has himself completed more than 5 ESD projects. Presently, he is working with other schools eco-clubs for organizing environmental training program throughout Uttarakhand. We offer educational training days that we call Training program. In these Training program, children who have already been trained in previous Training program, give speeches to a new group of children to teach them about the climate crisis and train them as 'Ambassadors for Environment'. Through group work and presentations the children are taught about environment protection and they also learn how to prepare and present these ideas to others in a confident and exciting way. As Ambassadors for Environment, these children then have the knowledge and tools to further educate their friends, schools and families about Environment protection. Children also learn how to organize a tree planting event and following an Training program can start their own tree planting activities. We have been organizing these Training programs statewide. We have set a target of 10K Ambassadors statewide till 2015.

*Waste Management practices with the help of Indigenous knowledge- He has also initiated a waste management project with a purpose to get young people educated about reusing waste plastic bags in USN district. In this sense he has made children to join the campaign- Young Ambassadors for Waste Management. In this campaign, students from all around the USN district collect waste plastic bags and reuse them as Baskets, Ropes, Bags etc.

Moreover, He has also initiated other campaigns such as Biogas Plant installment Project to install biogas plants in villages(with the help of local authority and gov. subsidies), Environmental comics making working, Plastic free zone school, Vermicompost by mid-day meal etc.