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[World] Theme of the Year 2015

by Eco Generation | 27-01-2015 09:51

Tunza Eco-generation theme for 2015


Global Impact of Youth Actions

Value Your Voice, Voice Your Values!

Youth Empowerment for Environmental Sustainability

Believe in the Power of spreading awareness


All of us are citizens of the future. We all know the potentials and talents of the youth need to be nurtured, we need to be empowered by all means in order to make our own future sustainable.

However, saying simply 'go green' is not a perfect solution. We must link 'going green awareness campaign' to the action for the environment.


To achieve this goal, we have set our theme of the year 2015 as 'Global Impact of Youth Actions'. We need to work at the grassroots level to save the earth.





As you already know, we, Tunza Eco-generation - a comprehensive platform of social engagement and endless learning opportunities have been set up to link active participation of youths in taking action in their community, country and the world.


Tunza Eco generation is the perfect platform for young people like you to share our activities, thoughts, latest happening around us and world as a whole about our mother earth and environment, of which we are most passionate. Through Eco generation, we have met so many enthusiastic and energetic youths sparkling positive vibe.


 Despite speaking different languages, living different way of life and practicing various cultures and traditions and being in different professional field, we understand each other, we became friends with each other, share our knowledge and learning and encourage each other or fuel the zest of working for environment. Youth action in Nairobi affects people in Asia, youth action in Indonesia affects people in Europe.




We need to reach to each and every individual who are unable to access the internet and Tunza Eco-Generation.

One of the processes to reach to them is to inspire them face-to-face towards the environment conservation and sustainability. In other words, you can take the role of educators, the core driver of the environment since education is the most important tool to motivate the youth.

To motivate your friends, please focus on inspiring at least one person nearby you within the year 2015. You can facilitate a workshop for the younger, young learners to create awareness and consciousness for sustainable development but also the older to grow attitude for sustainable development. You may choose any types of formal and non-formal education to change people's attitudes.

We all know that education is a key element for promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of the people to address the environment and development issues. It is also critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values and attitudes, skills and behavior consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision making.

Please remember that education is indispensable to motivating your friends.




Last but not least, youths need to believe in your potential to change the world. This can encourage all to realize the potential that they have about spreading environmental awareness and the power to unleash it.

 None but the youth can make a movement to change and replace the wrong with the right. Youth, if educated properly can be the most valuable tool to accelerate progress towards sustainable development. We must believe that youth has the energy, power, experience and most importantly honest dedication to save the world and the surrounding.


Upon all these themes and slogans, we are going to hold monthly campaigns and events to prove the realizations of global impact of our actions. We do believe these collective actions could eventually impact people globally.

Please remember the theme 'Global Impact of Youth Actions' all round the year and SHARE, MOTIVATE and BELIEVE!