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[India] Winners of Eco-generation Essay Competition in India

by Eco Generation | 22-12-2014 16:12

Dear Eco-generation members in India,

We would like to announce the result of the Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition in India.

Congratulations to all the winners and honorable mentions!
For the awarding ceremony and trip to Korea, we shall send your an email individually. Please check your email and get back to us for the successful completion of the competition. 

2014EEC India result

The awarding ceremony will be held on January 16th, 2015 (11:30 ~ 13:00) at Samsung Engineering India, Noida. Winners and Honorable mentions who resides in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh areas MUST participate in the awarding ceremony to receive the certificates and souvenirs. Those who cannot participate in the ceremony should submit the reason to why they cannot before January 11. If there's reasonable explanation, we shall airmail the certificate and souvenir to the winners.

Details of the awarding ceremony shall be informed shortly to the winners.

Best regards,
Eco-generation Team