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[World] The Best Ambassador of the 12th term

by Eco Generation | 01-10-2014 08:41


Dear Eco-generation members,
Eco-generation team would like to announce
The Best Ambassador of the 12th Term.


Before the announcement, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for
all of 60 Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors.


It was another fruit bearing term completed by ambassadors
passionate contribution for the environment and their community.


Many of the 12th E-gen Regional Ambassadors didn't stop at just uploading articles.
Instead, they jump into the crowd to educate and persuade them about
eco-friendly life style and went out to remote areas with notepad and camera for research.


As the result, thousands of community people learned about environmental issues
and how to improve their life by living eco-friendly.
Also we could gain many scientific research materials posted by ambassadors
on the Ambassador report page.


So it was really hard for us to find only 1 best ambassador among all quality members.


Now, we would like to announce the Best Ambassador of the 12th Term.



The Best Ambassador of the 12th Term is,


Arushi Madan

Arushi Madan explaining recycling to her friends

She was the one who posted the most ambassador articles and
she was the one who gave warm comments for all ambassadors' reports.


Arushi Madan persuading her neighbor to recycle paper 

Also, she didn't hesitate to strongly persuade the people around her to live green
and she made it changing the community into more eco-friendly.


Arushi Madan organizing Eco-generation Art Competition

She is only a person, but with her passionate work, she made big difference
in many people's life.


As the expression of our deep appreciation on her devotion, she will be given one of
Samsung Electronic devices as the Award.
(the item will be decided by Arushi's request)


We do hope for her to make this term even better and happier.
Please leave warm comments to recognize her effort and to encourage her ambassador activities.




Thank you!



Eco-generation team