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[World]Winner Announcement of Monthly Event for September

by Eco Generation | 02-10-2014 17:52

Dear Eco-generation friends,

Eco-generation has been looking for the Best Commentors 
during the whole last month.

We were so touched by that there were really many warm-hearted members
who read postings carefully and put encouraging comments.

Thank you everyone for joining this move to make 
more vibrant and heart-warming community!

Please see the list of the Best 20 Commentors below here.
*the order of names follows the alphabetical order.

1.   Abhilash Borah
2.   Arushi Madan
3.   Dharmendra Kapri
4.   Hyong Kim
5.   Jane Zhang
6.   Lesedi Evans Shumba
7.   Mary Rose Arnejo
8.   Nitish Bhatt 
9.   Rahul Acharya
10. Raunak Kapur
11. Rohan Kapur
12. Sadam Aladwar 
13. Samuel Muoria
14. Simran Vedvyas
15. Sunil Shrestha
16. Swasamon Jaidee
18. Ulfiana Ayu Kusumawati 
19. Upakar Bhandari 
20. Utku Karadeniz

The will receive Eco-generation USB Memory Card as the souvenir.

And, we don't stop just announcing only 20 persons.
If you posted any article during the last month, please check this box out!

     Find Missing Best Commentors

    1.If you wrote any article during September

    2.If you touched by someone's warm comment 
      and you couldn't find his or her name on the best 20,

    3.Please leave a comment here and share us the 
      commentor's name by 8th October 2014

    4.Then, Eco-generation will send the commentors Eco-generation souvenirs.

We will come back with more inspiring event soon!

Thank you!

Eco-generation team