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[World] Announcement of the Best member of Eco-generation

by Eco Generation | 01-07-2014 15:30

Dear Eco-generation friends,

Have you recommended the Best Eco-generation Member of the 2nd Quarter?
This time also, there were many nominees who have shown passionate and enthusiastic activities for the environment.
And it was indeed an inspiring experience for Eco-generation team to reading all recommendations.

We would like to express sincere appreciation for all valuable recommendations.

Now, let's see who is the Best Eco-generation Member of the 2nd Quarter.

The Best Eco-generation Member of the 2nd Quarter is...

Pratap Maharjan!!
Pratap Maharjan 

Pratap has served the role of Eco-generation Regional Ambassador through 3 consecutive terms and never lost his passion on the environmental advocacy activities during this long period of time.
Also he is one of Tunza Eco-generation's best writer who posts quality articles to share environmental news and knowledge with all Eco-generation members.

Many congratulations Pratap!!

He will be given the newest model of SAMSUNG Galaxy Player.
samsung galaxy player
We feel so happy to see his ceaseless contribution for Eco-generation initiative gets happily rewarded.

And we are happy to announce the Best Recommender too.

The best recommender is...

Abhishek Bajracharya!!
Abhishek Bajracharya 

He will be given Eco-generation USB as the souvenir.

His recommendation was as below

¡¸So far I have understood the platform, it is all about promoting eco generation in or outside the forum through articles and more through actions. So from my perspective Pratap Maharjan is the best member of Tunza Eco Generation. 

I look from two perspective views for the best member. First, his activities in the forum and second, the actions beyond his reports. 

Talking about his involvement in the forum, it is a well known fact that he has been an advocate of quality and in-depth knowledge. Though he shares very limited numbers of articles, those articles tend to inspire people and youth about the environmental issues and moreover give the clearer picture of the environmental issues of Nepal.

Another interesting fact is he is implying the members of the forum to be rational environmentalist rather than the radical one, which could be seen in his comments especially when one is talking from environmental perspective only. Though he is an environment graduate he has been supporting development as well, provided the development is sustainable one. I think it is the need of hour, rather than thinking just for environment, one should be able to carry forward the holistic approach for sustainable world. 

Besides that, he does not write article or post comments to collect points, nor he makes comments of gratitude only, instead his comments tend to initiate discussion and brainstorming in many cases. I think it is better that Tunza Eco gen honor the quality maker than point collector and source of inspiration to offer quality. 

Regarding his actions, the reports he shares is just a portion of what he has done and achieved, this may be because I have seen him work and his influence over the people working with him. Since I have known him he has worked with youth from different background, be it students of community development, arts, forestry or any other field, everyone has been inspired to act positively for environment and yes, speak more through actions. 

Recently he has set an example that youth can be an important stakeholder in development with his exemplary effort to maintain Ratna Park where he led Power Shift Team to take initiatives for sustainability of the park. Meanwhile it is his idea to develop Ratna Park as a knowledge park, where he is working in team. 

Pratap has always worked in team and significantly contributed in bringing out vibrancy in them and most importantly inspired them to be green. Though working in team he has developed his individual identity, refraining to come in limelight, he has promoted other team member. Be it Nepali Youth at GUTHI or Power Shift Nepal, youth have adored the energy and enthusiasm of Pratap and vowed to work like him. Though many have not joined the Eco generation platform, they have continued to act for green though different platforms. In the power shift Nepal you will not find any power shifter who has not been inspired and acknowledge Pratap for his action and support he has given. That shows what he is capable of doing. 

Pratap Leading by examples is an exemplary figure and aspiring leader in environmental sector of Nepal and inspired hundreds through his actions. 

Whether it is the Tunza Eco-generation forum or real field of action, he has inspired many. So if we are honoring members on the basis of work and the inspiration they have given, Pratap is definitely one of them. 

It is humble request to you to honor the member on the basis of the quality he has given in and outside the forum and not merely on the basis of number of recommendation to a particular member, be it Pratap or anyone else. ¡¹

As we will go on finding 'Best members' every quarter, please don't feel depressed even though you are not selected this time.
We hope you to challenge the Best Member of the 3rd Quarter!

Thank you again for your valuable applications!

Eco-generation team