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[World] Winner Announcement of the Let's do your own Eco-generation School & Give us feedback

by Eco Generation | 21-04-2014 17:10

Dear Eco-generation friends,
We are more than glad to announce the 3 best members of Eco-generation who successfully shared environmental knowledge with their loved persons.

Some taught environmental knowledge at school 
and some taught environmental knowledge at home. 
All Eco-generation kit events had been so fruitful and meaningful.

Now, we would like to announce the 3 winners of the
'Let's do your own Eco-generation School with Eco-generation School kit & Give us feedback'.

(*The order of winners follows the alphabetical order.)

Dharmendra Kapri
He taught kids from his neighborhood at home. 
His program was really lovely and he showed how easy it could be.
We don't need to start big event to raise environmental awareness.
Doing it is the most important thing and family and friends can be the best start point as he did.
Dharmendra Kapri 
You can see his whole article at here <link>

Francisca Mlingwa
She visited a primary school to teach Climate Change. 
She was so brave to contact the head of the school to do this event.
The students in the picture are truly benefited from her Eco-generation School session as there are not many opportunities to learn about climate change systemically.
We appreciate her valuable time and her brave mind again!
Francisca Mlingwa 
You can see her whole article at here <link>

Farooq Ahmad
He taught the primary school kids under Eco-literacy initiative. 
It was unique because he combined Eco-generation School kit event and existing environmental education program.
He still goes on environmental education under the Eco-literacy initiative and many students are getting enlightened by his effort.
Farooq Ahmad
You can see his whole article at here <link>

As we promised the winners will be given SAMSUNG 1TB Portable Memory Station.
Samsung 1TB USB 

There are also other Eco-generation members who shared their valuable time and knowledge with their family and neighbor.
We would like to express our deep appreciation for all Eco-generation School events done by our proud members.

If you missed the chance to join this event, please don't feel disappointed.
Because the other 3 Eco-generation School kits(Air, Ecosystem and Green Living
are coming!

Now that you learned how easy and various it can be, you can grab the chance to be the next winner of Eco-generation School kit event!

Until the next Eco-generation School kit event, bye for now!

Thank you!

Eco-generation team

The winners must send their Name / Color of the 1TB USB(Red/Grey) / Address(with ZIP Code) / Mobile Phone number to in order to receive the gift.