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[World] Let's do your own Eco-generation School & Give us feedback

by Eco Generation | 07-02-2014 11:35

Dear Eco-generation folks,

Eco-generation has released the first editions of the Eco-generation School kit last month.
To celebrate its issue and to encourage the use of it, we would like to launch a special event titled Let's do our own Eco-generation School!

Please run a wonderful environmental lecture with your loved ones using the Eco-generation School kit and share how it was with us at World Report. Since Eco-generation School Kits contain program plan, teacher's handbook, slide notes, factsheet and even handouts for your audience! Your audience can be your best friends, family members, classmates or just neighbors.

It doesn't have to be a huge class. Even teaching your little brother using your laptop is a cool way to make use of this kit.
If you don't have any access on the internet, big screen or TV, then printed copies of the kit are also enough to enlighten your loved ones with the environmental knowledge.

Deadline is April 13th.  Please post your Eco-generation School at the World Report and give us feedback.

How to join

1. Select your favorite subject among Water, Land, Climate change and Energy.

2. Teach the subject to your loved people using the kits.

3. Take a picture of you teaching the environmental issues with the kits.

4. Post an article on the World report page about it with your picture.
The article should contain your picture, date, venue, subject, audience and feedback from the audience.
When you submit your feedback, please use the feedback form from each kit. (Please refer to the index page of each kit to find the feedback forms)

¡Ø Multiple applications are allowed to make better Eco-generation School kits. The more you give lectures, the better chance to be selected as the BEST THREE!

The best 3 persons will win SAMSUNG 1TB Portable USB Memory Stations!
samsung USB 

Let's teach your loved people the important environmental issues and raise awareness to make your community more sustainable!
We look forward to reading your stories soon!

Thank you!

Eco-generation team