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[World] Announcement of the Best Member of Eco-generation

by Eco Generation | 02-04-2014 11:24

Dear Eco-generation folks,
Have you waited for the result of the Best Member of the Quarter Event?
There have been so many warm recommendations for each other and it was so heart touching.
Thank you for all recommenders for valuable time, effort and beautiful mind.

Now, we are going to happily announce the Best Member of the 1st Quarter.

The 1st Best member of this year is...

Arushi Madan!!
Arushi Madan

Congratulations Arushi Madan!
She got really many recommendations from Eco-generation members.
She will be given the newest model of SAMSUNG Galaxy Player.
We feel so happy to see her devotion on this website gets happily rewarded.
Galaxy Player 5.8

And now, we would like to also express our appreciation for the warm-hearted recommenders.
So, we decided to give a souvenir to the best recommender too.

The best recommender is...

Dharmendra Kapri!!
Dharmendra Kapri

He will be given newly produced Eco-generation tumbler as the gift.

His recommendation was as below
¡¸I'm pretty sure Eco generation have large number of passionate and hard working members. Everyone is superior and everyone is good. So it's very hard to recommend just 1 member among so many great members. To thank most active member 'Arushi Madan' I recommend herself for best member of the quarter contest. She had uploaded many quality reports and passionately promoted Tunza Eco-generation through many environmental events. Also she sincerely reading and commenting other members' articles. 

Some More Reason to recommend Arushi- 
• Recently as regional ambassador she spoke about Tunza Eco generation at their school in Dubai. 
• She also went to Sharjah Industrial Area and went to many companies. Where she met companies HR department and told them about Tunza Eco-generation and she also organize an awareness lecture for laborers.( Especially it is really impressive to see a teenager like Arushi taking such initiatives towards environment protection) 
• Her voice is heard to many people through newspaper. 
• On 4th Feb, UAE Environmental Day. She visited many places like neighborhood cafeterias, supermarket and restaurants and collected plastic bottles, cans and waste papers. Then she put these cans and plastic into Reverse vending machine of Bee ah. 

As a student I know it's never easy work to organize many environmental awareness programs. I deeply appreciate her devotion and I'm sure Mother Nature also must have been benefited by Arushi's efforts.¡¹

As we will go on finding 'Best members' every quarter, please don't feel depressed even though you are not selected this time.
We hope you to challenge the Best Member of the 2nd Quarter!

Thank you again for your valuable applications!

Eco-generation team