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[World] The result of the Monthly Event_August

by Eco Generation | 03-09-2013 15:37


Dear Eco-generation folks,

Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you so much for your effort to renew the personal information page more creatively!
We'd received a lot of applications containing nice picture and inspiring messages.
And we were surprised that all applicants were so competent environmental activist.
We do feel proud of having brilliant people as our family.

Now, we would like to announce the winners of this event.

The 1st place winner is...?

Fanisa Dwita Hanggarani!!!

Many congratulations!!

Fanisa can choose either 
a Samsung 1TB Portable memory station 
Samsung HD Smart Camera.
souvenirs image

She can also choose the color of her souvenir. :D

And we would like to share the top 5 winners also.

Anish Sapkota
Camila Prado
Jeonghyun Lee
Neha Swaminathan
Pinka Satria Aqsa

The top 5 winners will receive the pretty Eco-tumblers!
Many congratulations guys~~

The 6 winners should send their name, address and contact number(mobile phone) to by September 8, 2013 for the delivery of the souvenirs.

Thank you!

Eco-generation Team

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