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Please do not violate copyright laws

by Eco Generation | 03-08-2012 11:05

Hello, Tunza Eco-generation

When you post your article, please keep in mind of courtesy of photos and images and please DO NOT copy and paste news articles from the internet.


We would like to inform you that Tunza Eco-generation team will delete the photos and images with copyright taken from the internet withouth prior notice from now on.


Secondly, one MUST NOT copy and paste the news article from other website. We, also, would like to inform you that Tunza Eco-generation team will delete the news article from the media website without prior notice. Please write your own article and insert website link if you want quote the news article.


We kindly ask your understading on these procedures.

If we do not control the copyright, legal problem may hurt you and we don't want it to be happened.


If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask us.


With regards,

Eco-generation team

for more information on copyright, please visit the link as below.

You can also find licensed photos from here