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[World] Theme of the year 2018

by Eco Generation | 01-02-2018 15:14


Thank you all our members who suggested the theme of the year 2018 for Tunza Eco-generation. To better understand the meaning that our members want to set as this year¡¯s theme, we have analyzed the keywords and phrases our members suggested.


First, the most frequently mentioned word is, of course, ¡®environment¡¯which explains the reason to exist of Tunza Eco-generation.

Secondly, we can see the word ¡®our¡¯. We can tell our members want to say about something relating to ourselves not for others¡¯ action.

Thirdly, we can find ¡®change¡¯. We can assume our members want to change something for the better environment.

Next, we can see ¡®young¡¯ and ¡®you¡¯which asks young people like you to join our movement for the environment or better future, because we¡¯re owners of our future.

Lastly, we can see ¡®sustainable¡¯and ¡®future¡¯which everyone want to pursue.



Frequency and top words:














































To sum up this result, we can analogize the phrase that our members want to speak out.


Youth – Change Makers Bringing us a Resilient Future


The environment is me and you. We can protect nature and save nature.

We are young change makers who can mitigate climate change as well as global energy crisis. We need positive attitudes who believe in great potential protecting nature to bring sustainable future. Let¡¯s learn from each other and make efforts to bring change towards sustainable future and transform change seekers to change-makers! The year should be the one widen our impact to benefit the environment so that we can raise future environmental leaders of our communities, because we believe small steps can bring big changes.



The United Nations has placed human security at the center of its mission, a notion that each individual¡¯s security is important and involves many different kinds – political, personal, food security. Environmental securityis one that is greatly underscored by recent environmental trends – climate change and increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters.

Sustainability has never been such an important issue as it is today and its importance will be even clearer tomorrow.

We, more than ever, need young leaders to be in the front desk of ideas, projects, practices and resolutions for the establishment of the sustainable development goals of the UN. Therefore, we believe that we should raise environmental leaders towards sustainable approaches and practices.

As the leaders of tomorrow, youth should actively share ideas, cooperate, and lead the way towards environmental security and a healthier planet.


Inspire and Educate

We must demand and inspire new policy, educate peers and adults, and use media to raise public awareness on issues affecting environmental security. Ensuring a healthy environment requires well-informed and trained leaders capable of developing and executing creative solutions to current and future challenges. In this regard, we need to educate not only our current generation but also the future generations. Environmental education builds awareness about how to live in a way that conserves and protects resources for future generations. Educational programs for children and adults are critical in fostering a healthier and safer planet. Environmental education programs connect children to nature in their backyards and around the world. An educated public is essential to a healthy environment. Every industry - from information technology to manufacturing - needs an environmentally-minded workforce to accelerate the transition to a green, sustainable, and just economy.


Learn from each otherand share knowledge

Sustainable future can only be achieved when there is open source for sharing regional sustainable practices, sharing regional policies and ethics regarding few practices that are performed in a particular region and that can be adapted in other for betterment will help the world globally to move toward sustainability. Let¡¯s learn from each other¡¯s best practices, harness our youth energy and work to bring sustainable social change through positively transforming attitudes, protecting nature and mitigating climate change. We can not only spread awareness by environment campaigns, workshops and other formal or organized sessions but also by sharing eco-tips and inspiring people to adopt eco-friendly lifestyle in our day-to-day meetings, get-togethers, assemblies, parties, festival celebrations, family celebrations and almost at every occasion and through our every action.


Believe in the potential of you

This reflects upon the objective and potential of Eco Generation forum. Our network of young change makers here has immense power and potential. Let¡¯s continue to work and increase awareness and capacity to improve the environment. We can increase capacity by encouraging, motivating people to protect environment and having more and more like-minded people who think of benefitting the environment. Let¡¯s increase our efforts, broaden our thoughts and widen our impact and become young agents of transformation. When youth are empowered, there is great potential for bringing about positive change to society.



Youth empowerment

Youth are the agents of change. Youth are change makers.

There are many actions at the individual, local, and state level that youth can take to bring about the sustainable and resilient future. Youth can play a leading role on social development, environment conservation and making impact on sustainable development. Youth can shape and accelerate the positive change in the country. We can turn our energy and creativity towards solving today¡¯s challenges and tomorrow¡¯s problems. So let¡¯s give youth a chance to be a change maker and let¡¯s empower youth, let¡¯s motivate youth to bring positive changes and peace for sustainable future.


There are many people who seek changes to have better environment but hesitate to take their first step to make a positive change towards better and safer environment. Let¡¯s all use Tunza Eco-generation platform, its resources, our network and youth power to transform such eco-lovers, thought leaders and change seekers to change makers.


Created by the Youth; Arushi Madan (United Kingdom), Bharat Adhikari (Nepal),
Daniel Ricardo (Colombia), Florence Peter (Tanzania), Kshitiz Kandel (Nepal),
Kushal Naharki (Nepal), Luiz Bispo (Brazil), Sakshi Ghildiyal (India),
Seungwon Lee (Korea, South), Victor eke mba (Nigeria)