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HOME- Documenary about the Environment

by | 19-02-2018 07:56

HOME is a 90 minute documentary I have watched and it's  about nature. It was released in 2009 and currently exists in 6 languages, four of which are the UN official languages.


 When you watch this documentary, you will get to see various physical features, fauna and flora such as; volcanoes, hot springs, oceans (which provide 70% of oxygen from seaweed), vegetation, birds and animals. You are then told of how each species has a role to play, how none is futile and how they are supposed to balance.

Unfortunately, people (homo sapiens), who have existed for only 200,000 years unlike nature(billions of years), have changed and enormously destroyed the balance which is so essential to life due to activities like  agriculture, the first evolution which has given birth to cities like Shanghai, Dubai and New York; deforestation, which has led to desertification and water scarcity.


 Some interesting facts from the documentary:

-20% of the world's population consumes 80% of its resources;

-Every year, 13 million hectares of forests disappear;

-Species are disappearing at a rate a thousand times faster than normal speed;

 -three-quarters of fishing areas are exhausted, or in danger of decline;

-the average temperature of the last 15 years was the highest ever recorded (actually, it keeps on increasing);

-Please watch this interesting documentary for more facts! I know you will enjoy it!



We must never stop protecting the environment and natural resources to prevent the worst conditions. Please share with me about any interesting documentaries you have watched!