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by CARLOS JR. DEGAMO | 17-02-2018 23:56

        ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY ENGINEER  joins in protecting and saving our environment to its further destruction. The three ideals of Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers(PSSE): we protect public health; we keep our waters safe and clean; and we help save our environment, obviously state that we envisioned for a sustainable future. Environmental awareness is being set and at of great importance nowadays. We are all affected by the actions of every mankind with respect to the consumption of our natural resources. Degradation of the quality of our environment also means that the quality of life also decreases. Everything is interrelated with each other that is why it is important to practice a sustainable usage of all of our available resources for the benefits of the future generation.

            Just like what I said in my previous report, the introduction of a Sewage Treatment Plant technology practice in the Philippines is still not that much visible and not well known for everyone like planting of trees, clean-up drive of waterways, etc. as a way of protecting our environment. The sewage or domestic wastewater for example is one of the most detrimental source in our environment if it is not being treated and disposed to the environment as a raw material. As a result it, degrades the quality of land, water, air and most especially the quality of life that is affected by the improper disposal of sewage. Sanitation is one of the parameters that set the quality of living in a community. Good sanitation means good quality of life as to poor sanitation means poor or bad quality of life.

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY ENGINEER aims to disseminate information for the advancement of understanding and knowledge of individuals as to why it is important to protect our environment for the following reasons:

1.      We believe that this activity is unique and the best way to understand the importance of protecting our environment. Water is life that is why it is of great significance to protect and conserve our water resources. Water is abundant on our planet but not everyone has an access to a clean and safe drinking water.

2.     Public health is covered by the improper disposal of raw sewage to the surrounding environment. A proper sanitation is described and well pictured out by the help of the Sewage Treatment Facility  that controls the effect of nuisance to become acceptable to the threshold limit of human.

3.     It is a state of the art facility that uses technology for a greener tomorrow. Protecting the environment must also go with the trends of the rapid changes brought by globalization in order to cope up by the tremendous increase in the degradation of quality of our resources due to rapid increase of population.

4.     The Sewage Treatment Plant is an example of a sustainable development program that aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission, 1987) for it not only treats wastewater but also recycle treated wastewater.