Engineering in Farming in Ivory Coastby | 16-02-2018 13:36 |
Engineering is referred to as the application of Mathematics and the Physical Sciences to the needs of humanity and the development of technology. Based on this definition, one can say that applying engineering in any sector of the society aims at enhancing human life conditions. But, due to the vulnerability of our planet, it is important that this engineering to better people life should be eco friendly, so helping in the preservation of the environment. Our country economy is based at 60? percent on agriculture. Agriculture alone employs 40 percent of the population. Here we can notice the importance of agriculture, therefore the imperative of enhancing this sector not only to satisfy these 40 percent who work there but also all those people who benefit from its exploitation. In fact, 20 years ago, farmers used work on farms with archaic material which were reducing the quantity and the quality of the crops produced. The direct result was low income for those involved in the agricultural sector increasing then poverty; the indirect result was the rising of products? prices on the market and the lack of several important nutritive products on the market. In these conditions, what is the solution to increase the quantity and the quality of crops while not degrading the environment as despite the archaic stage of the old tools and materials used for farming they were at least eco friendly. The solution was to turn to engineering. As a matter of fact, since some few years now farmers are using machines to cut the bush, water their crops and harvest their crops. Some machines like the ones they use to water their crops are eco friendly as they do not use petrol. This helps in reducing the carbon footprints already highly increased in the world. In addition to that, they use waste of chicken but not abusively to help the crops grow and increase the quantity. It even helps grow some grasses where they were lost. However, we should note that only few people are using eco engineering tools to work on farms here because the engineering tools they are using are sustainably eco friendly. What to do in order to increase the use of eco friendly tools on farms in Ivory Coast? Our governments here should propose these tools and help people who do not have money to buy them with an understandable schedule of payment. In addition to that, we should develop within Universities more laboratories to develop new eco friendly engineering methods. Also, environmental NGOs and environmental activists should carry out sensitization actions to encourage our farmers to the necessity of using eco friendly engineering tools for they farms. They go on the field to explain to the population the importance of using eco engineering tools. Activists and environmental NGOs should pressurize the government to invest in eco friendly engineering methods and tools for the agriculture and any other sector so as to not only accelerate the development of the country but to also protect our environment |