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Some less frequently used ways to save environment

by Lohita Swaminathan | 16-02-2018 20:34

For the article regarding what we can do for the environment, I wish to highlight a few unusual, not often talked methods in which we can save the environment instead of the well knows, methods like consuming less utilities, using public transport, reuse, recycle etc.

1. Start cycling or walk it out. Cycling is seen more frequently these days as a growing popularity especially among children for commuting to school and colleges.

2. Combine errands with neighbors. Instead of each one trying to go for work outdoors on routine errands like paying some bills, buying routine stuff where individual choice can be pre-defined, instead of each family trying to go, people can try to announce the requirement among friends and club the visits and complete the needed work by one person among the group.

3. Understand food expiration dates and use the ones expiring soon. Arranging grocery and food items at home in a way easy to know the soon to expire stuff and using them or sharing them among neighbors before the expiry date is a great way to minimize waste.

4. Eat food leftovers by getting creative in the kitchen and make new dishes using leftover from previous meal. Needless to say that proper storing of leftover is essential.

5. Take it home if you leave excess food at a restaurant. Especially while eating out with children and even elders, sometimes the food ordered may become excessive and can lead to left-over. Instead of throwing them, packing the clean left-over and storing at home for consumption in the next meal is a great way to ensure the wasted food does not end up in landfill.

6. Eat locally available food, often the food brought from far off cities adds to waste of resources like transport fuel, extra layers of packing, use of toxic materials to prevent decay during the transportation and storage period. Instead eating locally available stuff helps save environmental damage.

7. While shopping try to buy loosely stored items instead of packed items, especially those packed in plastic covers. Avoid disposable packaging stuff. This can reduce harsh impact on the environment by the packaging materials ending up in waste.

8. Carry your cups. Use metal or long lasting stuff as far as possible. Use less of plastic water bottles

9. Avoid gifts. Instead, show your love by donating to charity, planting trees, helping someone to show your love in celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.

10. Spread the message. Educating more people on such unusual ways will bring in faster relief.