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Bill Nye: His Reversed Agenda against the Environment

by Aldrin Aujero | 10-02-2018 18:12

Bill Nye ?the science guy? is an iconic figure of science and sustainability in our world today. His popularity has caused him to be identified as the epitome of the modern age ?science geek?.

The height of his career in the 1990?s is marked by his successful TV shows of ?Bill Nye the Science Guy? which from 1993 to 1998, was the most watched TV series in American TV. In addition, Nye?s popularity has also allowed him to win 19 Emmy awards and be nominated for an additional 23 awards. Without a doubt, Bill Nye is surely one of the most successful science personalities in the media today.

However, quite surprisingly, his presence in this year?s State of the Union Address seems to be a reversal of all the things he stands for. This is because Billy Nye serve as the official accompany Jim Bridenstine, Trump?s new nominee as the NASA administrator.

This is problematic because just like the president Trump, Jim Bridenstine also shares the same opinions towards the environment and the role of NASA. In fact, Bridenstine was reported to have assented to Trump?s call to eliminate Earth science from NASA?s scientific mission. But even more appalling, Bridenstine, being a republican has also publicly supported the viewpoint that climate change isn?t caused by human action – something which Bill Nye, by implication, stood alongside with during the State of the Nation address.

Nye mentions that his decision to accompany Bridenstine was done to advance his agenda on space exploration. However, little thought is given to the actual message that this public stand gives to his loyal supporters – supporters of sustainability and scientific environmentalism.

The Trump administration influence the scientific community has been astounding. Nonetheless, we as environmental activists must keep an eye out for such vulnerabilities and advocate for what is right, what is sustainable and what is safe for our environment.