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Did you watch Al Gore's new movie?

by Nanami Nishihara | 09-02-2018 21:54

Hello everyone! Long time no see! Former regional ambassador of Japan, is now in Australia, to do environment and sustainability studies! I'm going to take a course about corporate sustainability this semester, and I hope I can share what I learn with you all, so stay tuned!

By the way, have you watched Al Gore's new movie; "An in convenient sequel- truth to power"?
I just watched it in an airplane on my way to Australia. 

Al Gore is an American politician and also, an environmental activist. 

I watched his first movie "An inconvenient truth", which was created in 2006, in an university class last year, and I was shocked by how little progress international society made in last 10 years.

Al Gore already knew the problems and solutions in 2006, but even now, some people are not so cooperative for environmental actions- especially politicians in some countries. I was really disappointed when I heard that The US left the Paris Accord.
Here in Australia, there are many environmental policies and I hope many countries will follow that.

Anyway, Al Gore's new movie shows us what kind of progress we made in last decade and also how climate change is becoming more serious problem- Also, this movie is depicting the political clash between developing countries and developed countries.

Please watch the movie and comment your opinions, thanks!