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Cape Town- The first city in the world to run out of water

by Asmita Pramanik | 09-02-2018 22:08

What would it be like begging for water to quench your thirst? How would it feel to literally borrow water from other countries? All these questions often cross my mind when I think about the water crisis in Cape Town, South Africa. It's very likely that this is no news to most of you but let me give you all a deeper look into the situation faced by people in South Africa at the moment.

Cape Town is South Africa's second largest city and one of the top tourist destinations in the world. It is also famous for one more thing. That it would be the first city in the world to completely run out of water by April this year. This might just be the beginning of what's to come in the next few years if we don't switch our habits. 

City officials have said that April 12 would be the day when all taps run would run dry. This day will widely be known as 'Day Zero'. 

How did this happen?

-The worst drought in more than a century which has pushed Cape Town's water scarcity into a potentially deadly horizon
-The metro area's population, which is 4 million and growing quickly.
-A rapidly changing climate.

The condition of people in South Africa

1)Residents are only allowed to use 50 liters, or a little over 13 gallons, of water per day.
2) People have begun collecting water from morning showers and washing machines to flush toilets and keep potted plants alive
3) They have been instructed to limit showers within 90 seconds.
4) Only hand sanitizers are being used in place of washing hands
5) Unwashed hair has now become an example of social responsibility

No one knows how long the restrictions could remain in place if "Day Zero" comes. The WWF has warned residents to be prepared to live with little water for between three and six months, depending on rainfall in the areas that feed the city?s dams.

If "Day Zero" does arrive, many people would have to go to collection points guarded by security forces for a daily ration of 6.6 gallons.

The water crisis in Cape Town is a warning to the world that it's time to for everyone to not just reflect upon but also work seriously towards the conservation of water.

Please do watch this video to get an insightful look on the condition of South Africa- Cape of Storms to come

Bibliography-  South Africa Water Crisis
                        CNN News coverage of the crisis

The military and police would monitor water points should Day Zero arrive