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Standby Power

by Neha Swaminathan | 03-02-2018 12:55

Standby power is electricity used by equipments while they are switched off or not performing their primary function. The standby power is consumed by power supplies, the circuits and sensors, and status lights. Standby power use is also caused by circuits that continue to be energized even when the device is "off".

Every product with an external power supply, remote control, continuous display, or charges batteries will draw power continuously.

How much is lost?

A charged mobile phone consumes approx 2W, LCD Display consumes approx 1.4W, a Desktop PC consumes 21W in Sleep and 3W in off mode, A scanner consumes 2.5W, and a TV approx 5W.

How to reduce standby power?:

If you aren't frequently using a device, unplug it.

Use a switchable power strip connecting multiple equipments like TV, Sound system, DVD player etc or a common switch for computer, printer, speakers etc, So it will be easy to switch off all in one go.

When buying equipments, search for low standby power consuming products.

Try it out one month and you will realize it makes a big saving. Plus you reduce fire hazards also.

So the next time, you switch off your TV from your couch using a remote control, please remember to stand up for a good cause, walk a few steps to the power source switch and turn it off.