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What can we do for our environment

by Prayash Pathak (Chalise) | 23-01-2018 03:12

What we can do for the environment- this is a very interesting topic,  which has been able to intimidate a lot youths nowadays. We have been learning about the introduction of  environment from our childhood. All of us are well aware about the fact that our environment is being degraded day by day and all of us are trying to do our best to protect it. There are infinite ways of protecting our surrounding. Some can be done at a global or national level while some can be done at our own personal level. We can either start reusing our plastic waste at home or making the government ban the use of plastics. 
All of us are equally aware to a full level about what to do and what not to do. But still we are lacking the willpower to do those things. We are self aware that the careless throwing of plastics will create land pollution but we are not self conscious about it, so we keep on careless disposal of plastics. We are aware that disposal of industrial or household sewage in the river will be the cause of hazardous water pollution but still we keep on doing so because we choose money and comfort over environment.  So, the first environmental resolution by me in this new year will be to make myself self conscious about environmental protection and always choose environment over comfort.
The second environmental resolution for me will be planting one tree on my birthday. Though this may seem like a small action but it will prove to be a very good initiative. I am quite certain that if I will be able to plant and protect  only one per year then also it will be a great example to others and they too will start doing the same.
My third environmental resolution for this year will be to completely minimize the use of plastic goods. Plastics have already been identified as a major environment pollutant. So, I will be doing my best to minimize the use of plastic items like bags or bottles. We can either keep them for recycle or we can keep reusing the same polythene bag every time we go to the market, instead of using a new one.
The fourth and my last environmental resolution for this year will be awaring and sharing my knowledge of environment protection to as much people as I can. Tunza eco generation has been a perfect platform for learning a lot of new and interesting things about the environment and I wish that this year also I will be able to share and communicate this knowledge to as many friends as possible.