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What can we do for the environment?

by Arushi Madan | 24-01-2018 05:02

The sea level has risen by 10-20 cm over the past 100 years, species have become extinct, disasters like flash floods have increased. These are strong pieces of evidence that global warming is real and is causing changes to our planet, and changes that are doing more harm than good. The sooner we take heed of these statistics and implement changes to address global warming, the quicker we can reverse the disturbing trends and hence lessen the damage to our planet.  


With the alarming level of global warming, there is no time to think, it's time to act. We don't need to make daunting changes in our life. There are small things which we can do


Deforestation is responsible for about 20% of climate change. Trees help lessen the 'Greenhouse Effect' by acting as carbon 'sinks'. A single tree absorbs 13-pounds of carbon dioxide per year. The strongest way to protect the environment is to save trees. Trees are one of the main creations of God that play an important role to keep the air clean. Why not plant trees on special occasions like birthday, anniversary-to help recover Mother Earth (from the fever/heat of global warming) and it will make your birthday memorable too. You can watch the tree growing in subsequent years. I have, myself, been planting trees/saplings on my birthday for last so many years. Lately, I have involved my parents too and we planted trees on their last 2 wedding anniversaries as well. Imagine if all of us plant a tree on our birthday, soon the earth will be richer and greener by 8 billion trees.


We all go to supermarkets and fancy the fruits or items which are imported from far off countries without realizing that farther they come from, more food miles they have /more carbon they have emitted and thus more harmful they are. Why not buy organic or locally grown food or food with less food miles.


Also, while buying, look for items with minimum packaging.


Waste is not a waste till it is wasted. Everything has its value and can be reused or recycled rather than throwing and adding to landfill.   Why not reuse your old items rather than buying new models. Why not repair your old electronic rather than throwing to go for newer models. Why not make useful items from discarded stuff. I make tables from discarded tyres and have been using my same old phone for ages. Let's minimise waste to landfill.


Why commute to offices, schools, coaching or events in your private cars.  Why not use public transport or you can evencar-pool/ share cars (this is very common in many countries like UAE). Public transport is economical, saves hassle of parking your car and obviously, contributes to reduction in carbon emission and traffic congestion on roads.  Lesser the cars, lesser the traffic congestion on roads.


Why not have candle light dinner with your family once a week to save energy. Just switch off all your un-necessary appliances and lights and enjoy quality time with family during the candle  light dinner. We pledged to have it every alternate day and we have been following that and trust me it is so much fun you switch off lights, bulbs and even your mobile phones during that dinner time and just cherish the family time.


These may be small but if all of us do, they collectively can have a bigger positive impact.


Let us pledge in this new year (you call it resolution or our moral responsibility) to take sustainable initiatives, adopt eco-friendly lifestyle and positively contribute to a more sustainable/environmental approach. Let us seed the minds of our family, friends, peers and everyone in the community to live in harmony with nature; to keep the environment clean and protect earth in all possible ways. Whatever we do, affects our environment so before doing anything, we should think what will be its impact on the  environment, is it necessary and Is there a better eco-friendlier alternative?...

Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that Earth has rights too, to live without pollution and free of any pain. What mankind must realise is that human beings cannot live without Earth, but the planet can live without human beings.

Act now, Celebrate life, Celebrate Earth!