World Environment Day at Kathmandu University; a breif flashbackby Kshitiz Kandel | 21-01-2018 23:51 |
No Thanks, I carry my own bag, Think globally and act locally, Tag your tree, Go global green, Green park and all these set of events directly strike on heart of the eco-friendly activities, said Dejina. Adding up, Kshitiz explained,The term eco-friendly supports the Environment and sustainability. The concerned term to Environment are eco- system, carrying capacity of Earth, ecology, wildlife and biota, climatic factors, weather and many more.If you are still not bored with these terms, I bet you are an Environmental enthusiast, Nishtha appeared coming out of the class. Dear readers, let us now dive into the globally celebrated day of the Environment enthusiast i.e. The World Environment Day, shorty abbreviated to WED, celebrated each year on June 5 globally. The theme this year "Connecting people to nature",and the slogan, "I am with nature". I take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to all the helping hands to mark this event at national level. Out of all 20 Organizers, the characters mentioned are a big part of it. World Environment Day has been a campaign for raising awareness on environmental issues for years now. Today we can reflect on what is important: Creating a stable world for the generations to come and it is not possible without the active participation of all of us. Keeping this in mind, we, the students of Kathmandu University, have taken our knowledge from class to community which is not just limited on June 5. I believe humanity should not just limit to humans. Being a part of this world, it is our duty to protect it, preserve it. And every minute we act on it will be a year added for the next generation. It's a bright future out there if we decide to put in a small effort from our hands today, tomorrow and for days to come. This year, we began the WED celebration with green hike, school visit, cycle rally, sanitation and cleanliness program and many more hoping to inspire people. So far the events have been a success creating a milestone for future generation to move on. At this moment, I take on the opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude to the KUWED team, KU family, KVIEM (Kavre valley Integrated Environment Management) for always being with us no matter what problem arises. I hope this legacy goes on for years in KU and let's put in all knowledge and efforts to ensure that the good work is continued. I am humbled that we have been given the responsibility of running different programs from class to community and even work for Change – publishing of the first environmental dictionary ever in the history of KU as an outcome of the 25th silver jubilee of the University, itself an outcome for this World Environment Day-2017, Kshitiz delivered his speech among the mass during the Talk Show Program. The vice-chancellor of the University along with the expert panels, senior professors and mayor of the Banepa were pleased to be at the same platform together to mark this International day at Kathmandu University with the sole motive of raising environmental awareness in our generation, WED 2017 was organized at the University to mark the historic day and transform a moment into the history. Don't just be contained within a single day program of Environment Conservation, make every day an environment day and let the legacy continue, stated the head of Department Dr. Bibhuti Ranjan Jha, during an early inauguration of the program. Focusing on same side, the students had been running a series of conservation issues and activities from class to community. June 5, now reminds us every year of the course of our lives and common future we share on Earth by rediscovering the value of nature to connect people globally; in the city and on land, from poles to the equator. Nature is the ultimate sole base for the existence and sustainability of this global village. Nature motivates us to raise not only the responsibility to care for Earth, but also reminds one and all of the individual power to become agents of the change. Every individual action counts and when multiplied by global chorus becomes exponential in its impact for our common future of co-existence. As per the UNEP theme, Connecting people to nature, we were connecting people at Kathmandu University from class to the community and then to the nature. Kathmandu University has always been advocating and demonstrating environmental sustainability in its work. Thus, to rediscover the value of nature we have been organizing environmental friendly programs promoting 3R Principles (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). One of the best works is reflected in the Green Bus, a project where a left over metallic waste, a dumped old bus is to be renovated, recycled and upcycled. Overjoyed with the excitement, head of physical facility at University, CED, Mahendra sir added information on bus as explained, ?Bought in 1994, it is the first bus at Kathmandu University. It has the historic reflection to the university. Registrar Dr. Sitaram Adhikari came through this bus from Kathmandu to Dhulikhel. Why not build this historic ornament as icon of KU?? One of the fine works, Dictionary of Environment-Volume 1, was published for the first time ever in the history of the University from student-level under Departmental activities through an eco-club, NSCS (Nature and Social Concern Society), during my tenure as the president of the club, Kshitiz proudly explained to the mass of several expert panels, professors, vice chancellor and mayor of Banepa during Talk show welcome speech. Now students can clearly understand all the key terms in Environmental studies, Dr. Sanjay Nath Khanal, a member from the silver jubilee committee to the university added, Back in 1987 when I returned to Nepal after my Master at States in 1982, the first environmental engineer in Nepal was sharing his story. If you only know who am I talking about, Er. Suryaman Shakya. At the time, it was very difficult for us to translate the words in Nepali. It must be the first dictionary in world solely dedicated to the words of Environment, congratulations Kshitiz and the group for your wonderful activity. It's our privilege to fund this group for the publication of the dictionary, probably the most wonderful outcome of the silver jubilee of the University.The day has marked the history of Kathmandu University to get into the core of Environment by rediscovering the value of nature. It?s the sense of responsibility to bring all of us together to understand our environment and problems that besieged by us. It starts fundamentally in the premise of disseminating information. For a concern like environment, positive action might not be very far behind. Secondly, it helps build solidarity and collective action for our future on Earth. The more we grasp this concept on issues of environmental consciousness, better will be the chance of local action stimulating a global impact. It is with this spirit we strive to connect people to nature by rediscovering the value of nature by making the best use of resources and knowledge. Finally, after the talk program was over, the closing ceremony of the event began with the Acoustic Evening. As we were getting out of the auditorium after the talk show, Pallavi overjoyed with the success of the program shouted from the back, Kshitiz! Let's talk awhile sitting together during the acoustic evening. We then managed to stay together all with the organizing committee in a huge mass to mark the closing ceremony of this year World Environment Day with the Acoustic Evening. The energetic recruitment of the music program started rocking the show with wonderful performances. Everyone started cheering up for the performances where the silent dusk was overwhelmed with the precious melodies of music and sweet voices. Taking it as the rest time of joy and happiness, we sat at the last row of the event podium discussing about the overall programs and steps we have passed on. Pallavi, Prasansha and Dejina showed their sincere gratitude to the honest and kindness of the Vice chancellor for his inspiring and powerful words during the meeting at his office.You guys move with the flow and run the program with vibrantly at national level. Whatever comes up feel free to meet and talk with me anytime, said Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the respected vice chancellor of the University. His words boosted up everyone?s confidence. At the same time Nilisha said, What about the support from Hemraj sir and Rajendra sir?? I remembered the days when we were rushing for the publication of the dictionary. We got immense support from Dr. Hemraj Kafle and Mr. Rajendra Bhandari. And now, the work was finally finished. All of our hard work had payed off. Yeah! We did it finally, such a wonderful celebration and series of events at such level, just wow!? everyone shouted with the excitation. At the same time, Anmol dragged everyone's attention in the mass with her silvery voice as she started singing,
We recycle. We have fun Learning to harness the rays of the sun. It feels good just to say, ?Look what we did for our planet today!? Hip, hip, hooray ......................................................... No job is too big, no action too small, For the care of the Earth is the task of us all. It's everyones turn to answer the call, For the care of the Earth is the task of us all. .......................................................... We plant flowers, watch them bloom. We turn the lights off when we leave the room. It's a game we all play: Look what we did for our planet today! Hip, hip, hooray ................................ We remember plants and creatures live here, too. We respect them—we protect them In everything we do.
As soon as she done with her beautiful performance, the host for the program Mr. Abhisekh Pokharel then end the evening stating his words back once again solely with dedication to the environment, Connecting people to nature, and the slogan I am with Nature. |