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Top environmental inventions of 2017

by Prayash Pathak (Chalise) | 17-01-2018 03:48

Technology has and will always be the breakthrough, which we need to create a green future. Various technological discoveries have already proven to be the boon which we were searching against environmental degradation. But the fact that the present situation which we are fighting against, was also created due to improper utilization of scientific discoveries. Since we recently came to the end of 2017, today I am making a list of four  important inventions that will give us a hope for 2018:
1) White pavement: Most of the blackened roads are usually made up of black asphalt which trap the heat of the sun. But now cities have started to pave their road white called as white pavement. This type of paving reflects the heat of the sun and the difference in temperature of blackened road and white paved road is nearly 20 degree Celsius. It is estimated that if cities like Los Angeles use white pavement in  35% of the total road area then the total cost saved in energy could be upto 100 billion dollars.
2) Mr. Trash wheel: It is a solar powered boat that has removed over 1 million tons of trash from the Baltimore harbor. It runs on 100% renewable energy and the water powers its wheels which has been removing tons of plastic bags, styrofoams and beer bottles. This collected trash is incinerated and the energy generated is used to power homes in Maryland.
3) The floating vacuum: It is a simple sea bin which sucks up trash from the sea. It traps the waste and debris of the sea and then pumps the water back up. It is totally safe for fish and it also catches oil and pollutants. 
4) The massive air filter: Now it is an amazing invention. It is the world's first commercial carbon removal plant.  This air filter can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and this CO2 is then pumped in a sealed green house to hasten the growth of the plants. It can trap 900 million ton of CO2 per year which is equivalent to the CO2 produced by a drive for two million mile. This stacked up CO2 can also be used to produce beverage, concrete and cement.

Now let?s be clear that all of this are just new inventions and they are still in test run. And let?s be sure that they can do a lot when we start to use them in a commercial way