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Use of One Side printed paper

by Rohan Kapur | 28-12-2017 21:02

Dear Fellow ambassadors, many a time you have come across one side printed A4 sheets of paper. Normally, in offices, they use only one side of the paper and subsequently throw the files after the job is over. Nobody bothers to take these waste papers out of bulky files, remove the staple pins, arrange in pile & then use the other plain side for rough work or routine office jobs. There are many cases where printouts are required for office use only and that paper will not be sent out of office. In such cases, the other side may be used for reference purpose. This saves the potential cost of new A4 sheets and also is eco-friendly as well without a doubt.


I have discussed this idea with my father and he has implemented the same in his office. For many months the plain side of printed A4 sheets is used in his office for other routine works & thus it has saved the usage a lot of new such rims. Actually, the paper cost has dropped considerably after this initiative was introduced. I have taken this idea to the next level. After using both the sides, the paper is shredded & then a local recycling company takes it over. They collect the same & use it at their recycling plants.


Friends, you will not believe, this gives a tremendous satisfaction to me & I take this as fulfilment of my personal responsibility towards The Mother Earth. I am studying in Grade 12 & I have to use a lot of rough paper.


The Office Boy in my father?s office Mr Shaffique tirelessly works and makes many bindings of such one-sided printed papers. I use the same for my practice work in my studies. Over the past many months he has handed over many such bound books to me. Through the medium of this forum, I wish to thank Mr Shaffique for this amazing job time and again. He has been phenomenal in helping me with constant availability of these sheets for my practice.


After these rough books are used, I hand over the same to Bee?ah, local recycling company for their recycling plant.


Such small measures go a long way in cost control, is an eco-friendly act, saves the trees and gives a sense of immense satisfaction.


You may also acknowledge the efforts of your local heroes in environmental conservation by means of this amazing platform.


Thanks for reading.