Solar energy to alternate fossil fuels in Ivory Coastby | 20-12-2017 22:08 |
How will be the earth in some future years with the use of fossil fuels? Which kind of energy can we substitute to fossil fuels in the African and Ivorian context? What actions people are taking to shift from the use o fossil fuels to the use of more clean energy that will not damage our environment? All these questions asked above are very important as regard to the future of our environment and the survival of humanity on this earth. It is simple to understand that the use of fossil fuel will end up destructing the atmosphere, increasing the temperature, reducing food production, increasing the sea level which constitutes a threat to human live, narrowing the space allocated to human to live on earth. All these consequences of the continuous use of fossil fuels are even showing up today. Therefore, are there any alternative means? The answer is yes. We have the choice between letting all these consequences happen or avoiding them. Fossil fuels are not the only means of production of energy. We have many other sources of energy which we can use to provide energy without destroying the atmosphere. Narrowing this issue to the African continent, and Ivory Coast particularly, one can say that there is still hope to not let fossil fuel destroy our future. In Africa, we have the Sun, which can provide us with energy without impacting negatively our environment. In Ivory Coast, for example, the temperature varies between 25 degree Celsius and 35 degree Celsius, a very hot temperature which indicates the high presence of Sunshine. The Sunshine instead of seeing it just as provider of hit can be used for a good purpose like providing energy. Using our sunshine potential could help us get independence from fossil fuels which are a threat for our environment. Then, it is clear that we are not compelled to use only fossil fuels to provide energy, we have an alternative means which is sun, and we have it in abundance in Ivory Coast and in Africa. But, are people taking actions in this way to shift from the use of fossil fuels in Ivory Coast? We have several examples of communities which are using solar energy in Ivory Coast. What is amazing is that these communities using solar energy are mostly villages and peri urban areas. For example, in the region of Tiassalé, you can find that 80 percent of all the villages around are using solar panels to provide energy. The second example is in the city of Abidjan. In fact, a company named Bolloré, in its Corporate Societal Responsibility action toward the University Felix Houphouet Boigny of Cocody, provided Buses which use solar energy to operate. These are just some examples among others. However, we should note that the government of Ivory Coast has not yet done any significant effort in facing this energy issue. All these efforts are either from the populations themselves or some private corporate. We can then conclude that, we have the means to not rely only on fossil fuels which can destroy our future, but we can also use alternative sources of energy like the Sun in Ivory Coast and many other African countries. |