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by | 21-12-2017 05:51

Over 70 high school students attended a week-long  RECYCLE FOR ENVIRONMENT Campaign at Musanze Compassion Project. As an Eco-Generation ambassador, I saw the need to develop in my community a stronger sense on how to engage effectively in waste management while protecting environment. Specifically ,plastic wastes are one of the main problems contributing quite perilously to global warming and other natural hazards. I took actions in fighting the problem of plastic bottles by organizing and executing the RECYCLE FOR ENVIRONMENT CAMPAIGN which involved training over 70 youths in environment conservation in my home district.

The training involved diverse environmental themes such as climate induced risks, Eco-friendly energy and Importance of recycling and opportunities in recycling industries. The training started by Introducing Tunza Eco-Generation to youths and the benefits of this environmental awareness platform. After one day of introduction to different environmental topics, the youths were classified into teams where they brainstormed climate and induced risks and Use of eco-friendly energy, after this peer learning session, each team presented their ideas and solutions. I provided them with feedback on their outstanding ideas and solutions and encouraged them to act for change.

The campaign continued  with my lecture on Solid waste and its impact on environment in Rwanda. I asked the youths to state the recyclable solid materials found in Rwanda and many answers were dominated by plastics bottles. I explained them two reasons why they must get on board with recycling. The first has to do with Recycling business opportunities. For business and individuals who will engage in sustainability agenda, waste recycling presents a chance to innovate, streamline business operations and create cost savings. For entrepreneurs, recycling can become the foundation on which to build a business. Creating brooms from old water bottles provides just one example of how applying new thinking to old materials can be kinder on resource constraint and profitable. The second issue is an environmental one. We know that if we recycle our wastes, we can decrease amount of greenhouse gas emissions in atmosphere. By recycling, we are creating a system where we can manage a material in perpetuity, keep it out of landfills or avoid burning it.

The students learned the waste sorting methodologies and importance of recycling. Along with my team of 3 mentors, I provided the students with hands on skills on how to recycle plastic bottles into creative products.

At the conclusion of the campaign, the youths have increased knowledge in the field of environment and I inducted them as Eco-volunteers  who will go to promote environmental awareness in their communities.