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Pollution at a World Heritage Site

by Prayash Pathak (Chalise) | 16-12-2017 02:22

Lumbini , the birthplace of Lord Buddha is one of the most religious site of Nepal. It has been a tourist attraction for many years which has collected a huge revenue for the country. But most recently I read a very saddening article about the pollution in this site.  Recent study has shown the pollutant level in Lumbini is 175 micrograms per cubic meter whereas the safelimit of pollutant according to WHO is 25 microgram per cubic meter in Nepal. The expansion of the carbon emission industries within the Lumbini Protected Zone has caused several problems such as threats to biodiversity, health hazards to local residents, archaeological properties, social and cultural values.
This type of industrial areas are expanding near this historic site. Most of this industries are cement, noodles and brick manufactures. Tourists and monks visiting the site have felt uneasy while breathing. I also saw a photo of monks putting on mask while meditating so that the pollution could be tolerable. People having asthma and other respiratory problems are having more problems. People have reported to cut their vacation short just because they could not tolerate the pollution.
Hopefully the government which is planning to expand this tourist site has been doing some thinking about this problems. The chief of air pollution measurement section said that they were planning on using drones to moderate and minimize the pollution level in this site.  
So let?s hope that other religious and historic sites which are the prized jewels of our country will not face similar problems. The industrial sites should not be allowed to be developed near such sites.
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