Waste in Abidjanby | 01-12-2017 03:47 |
![]() ![]() We cannot finish talking about the environmental problem Ivory Coast is facing. Its Capital city Abidjan is confronted to a huge problem of waste. Abidjan is divided into ten communes and none of them can be excluded from the ??phenomenon?? of waste. It is becoming like a normal life for the population, the local authority and the government. I will just give two examples. We will first start with commune of Adjamé. In fact, this commune is where you can find the biggest and most popular market of the city. Instead of expecting a clean place as it is visited by everybody, you can just disappointedly find in the middle of the market a huge mountain of waste. Unbelievable but that is the reality in that commune. In addition to that, you will find at every corner a small mountain of waste, smelling and disgusting to see. But what is very unbelievable is that you can see people selling foods right near these dumps and no one feels bad about it. The second example is again the commune of Port-Bouet. In fact, Port bouet is the commune where you can find the airport, port, the sea with its beaches and the lagoon. Unfortunately, this commune is one of the dirtiest communes of Abidjan. Just at less than 200 meters from the airport, you will see very huge mountain of waste. This mountain of waste is just at 50 meters from the beach. And this mountain of waste smells and people don?t like going around in that areas. The direct consequences are firstly a bad image of the country as the airport is close to that waste and people entering the country will see it. The second consequence is falls on its economy, as we know that beaches generate money and job. But with this waste around, it is obvious why people do not go to the beach in the commune while it is the only commune of Abidjan where you can find the sea. We can notice that this problem of waste beyond its environmental consequences can impact negatively people health, the economy and the reputation of a country. To fight this, we government should be the first to get involved. Further, youths can be trained to recycling by environmental activists and that can help recycling has much as much as possible help reduce waste in our communities. It is also important for environmental NGOs to be trained on waste management and get involved in discussing with the populations of their community. |