UN Climate Conferenceby Ishimwe Eric Josue | 21-11-2017 02:44 |
"I want the whole world to know that climate change is real. It's like a thief in the night. It not only steals, but kills and destroys." Timoci Naulusala, 12, spoke at the UN Climate Conference COP23 after seeing the destruction caused by Cyclone Winston in his village and school in Fiji. "The sea is swallowing villages, eating away at shorelines, withering crops. Relocation of people... cries over lost loved ones, dying of hunger and thirst. It's catastrophic. It?s sad, but its real." Opening our eyes to the impact of climate change, Timoci received a standing ovation from world leaders. And sent a clear message to all of us: "Climate action is about what you can do as an individual." |