Erosion of agricultural local species in Algeriaby | 10-11-2017 06:09 |
The climatic regions of Algeria vary, with different types of flora and fauna. The northeastern Algeria is considered a biodiversity hotspot. The demographic expansion; rapid social transformations; industrialization; land clearing and fire frequencies; destabilization of the coastline and rural exodus and urbanization, all these factors have contributed to the deterioration of biodiversity in Algeria. Of 3139 plant species in Algeria, there are 1780 threatened species, of which 168 are endemic, Algerian Endemics are represented by 10 species and 02 varieties in addition to 37 Algerian-Moroccan endemic species, 72 Algerian-Tunisian endemics species, 08 subspecies and 03 varieties and 17 Algerian-Libyan endemics species, 02 subspecies, and 01 variety. The erosion of agricultural biodiversity is catastrophic in Algeria, and this table illustrates the status of some agricultural varieties: The downward trend in agricultural biodiversity linked to two essential factors: -Genetic pollution and absorption by massive imports of seeds, plants, and breeders. -Degradation of certain ecosystems: steppes, coastline, forests, oasis ecosystems. Despite laws protecting local agricultural crops, 51% of the agricultural crop was lost due to the introduction of exotic species. Refs: -K.BENABDELI; 2015; « Biodiversité et préservation durable des écosystèmes : qu?en est-il en Algérie? ».
-« Quatrième rapport national sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique au niveau national »; 2009; MATET.