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About underage drinking and smoking in Zambia

by Chabala Chisenga | 04-11-2017 10:51

Good Morning Fellow Ambassadors,Eco Generation Team in general, members and readers

To start with the rate of early youth drinking and smoking is becoming a threat it's increasing, not to talk about early child marriages, we have seen a number of youths below the age of 18 abuse themselves with alcohol or cigarettes which is wrong, the abuse of alcohol destroys the body, the youths start having challenges bit by bit and their health is put to a risk, they slowly get mental challenges or disorders, and at a tender age they end up being thieves stealing from the public and their parents because they are some times when they don't have money to buy cigarettes or beer and due to their age they can't control their being addicted to drinking and smoking, so they end up stealing just to satisfy themselves, and at last they regret but their is nothing they can do because they have already stolen.

It's so painful when I see my fellow youths below 18 move with cigarettes and beer, smoking and drinking in public, they look so clean and smart but they destroy their lives at that tender age maybe 14,15 or 16,then you ask yourself this question were do they come from- do they condone what they do where they come from?, no they don't most of them are good boys but they join bad company, a number of them want to stop but how are they going to stop if their being threatened by there friends.

I would like to start a project or program which will see to it that the youths are helped and children counselled and assisted in accomplishing their goals other than destroying their lives,I can't do this alone,I'm asking for your support,help and advice on how this can be a success.

Let's join hands,Together We Can

Chabala Chisenga
Eco Generation Regional Ambassador To Zambia