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Irrawaddy Dolphin in Indonesia

by Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas | 01-11-2017 01:44

    Irrawaddy dolphin, or as the locals in Indonesia call it, Pesut Mahakam, is a freshwater dolphin with a bulging forehead, short beak, and 12 – 19 teeth on each side of both jaws. Pesut Mahakam in Indonesia can be found in the river of Mahakam, Borneo. This mammal is the symbol for East Borneo Province.

It is predicted that there is only 75 – 80 individual left (2014, RASI foundation). They are currently threatened of extinction due to the degradation of habitat quality as well as food reduction availability. The International United of Conservation Nature Resources (IUCN) has set Pesut Mahakam in the category of critically endangered species. These mammals itself are protected by law of Governmental Regulation Number  7 Year 1999.

Pesut Mahakam daily diet consists of fish and shrimp. This mammal breathes using lungs and has a body color ranging from grey to dark blue. They live in groups. There are differences between one individual to another, which can be seen from its fin and the shape of the neck of the head.

These mammals can only give birth to one child every three years, which its breastfeeding period is from 1 to 1.5 year. The number of Pesut giving birth and the number of Pesut dying is not balanced. Based on observation every year, there are 4 Pesuts found dead. If right now there is 80 individual left, and their existence is not maintained well, then it can be said that in 20 years Pesut Mahakam will be extinct.

Pesut Mahakam existence is important because they have a role as a bio indicator of water quality as well as an indictor for fish and shrimp abundance that is still a lot. At the few rivers in Mahakam that still has Pesut, people can be certain that the water quality is in good condition.

Efforts to protect the existence of Pesut are done by raising awareness as well as using fishing tools in which are environmental friendly. It is hoped that with the increase of awareness, many more people will give a helping a hand and protect these animals.

