Pesticide use in Mandarin Block, my internship placeby Sujan Adhikari | 30-09-2017 12:38 |
Now I am done with my 6 months internship at mandarin block, Pokhara and also my report is almost ready regarding status orchard health in same block. During my research I found, only 8 percent of the farmers using chemical pesticides and rest of the farmers following biological and cultural methods. I took this data by household survey for my Internship thesis. This shows that most of the orchards are virgin organic and when asked about why they don?t use pesticides, they replied being organic is safer than any other means. Most of the farmers in survey area follow cultural and biological methods of pest control rather than chemical method while few of them follow IPM practices.
Most commonly used pesticide by 8 percentage of farmers is Nuvan, Dithane M 45, Dimethoate, Carbenzazim, Mancozeb, Rogar etc. Most of pesticides were used after fruit setting.