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National Cleanup program

by Prayash Pathak (Chalise) | 17-09-2017 03:14

The increasing population is adding more and more dirt to our environment.  Humans have entered to such a comfort life style that all of their needs are easily fulfilled.  But higher the luxury more is the wate production.  Let?s take a second to look around us and intrepret the waste around us. We are the origin of such waste but still we are not doing anything to clean it up.  The situation in Nepal is much worse.  Urbanization and population growth have filled the streets with plastic,  can,  household waste that is polluting each and every aspect of our ecosystem.  The air is foul smelling,  water is filled with waste,  lands are dumped with waste. All of this is our fault and its time we do something to clean our environment. 
Realizing this me and my friends from Creative Thinkers Society particilated in National Cleanup program that was organized simultaneously all over Nepal today from 7-9 am.  We chose our college and its surrounding to particilate in this campaign. The clean up started from 7 in the morning and it ended at 10. All of my friends including 20 volunteers came togethed to participate in a mass clean up of our college surrounding. 
All of us were equipped with basic requirements like gloves and mask. We collected nearly ten sacks of wastes from the college periphery that was mainly composed of junk food covers,  plastics,  used bottles,  litters,  etc.  All of this waste was seprated into degradable and non-degradable and both of this waa disposed safely at last. 
So today I did some of my part to clean the waste I made and all of us today have made a commitment to continue this task in the future too. And trust me this in not a hard task if all of us start to clean up our own waste.