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Save electricity. Help us, help yourself

by | 01-09-2017 01:51

Earth Hour will be held at 8.30PM on Saturday, March 24 2018(Malaysia time). It is an undeniable fact that Earth Hour campaign is one of the most influential campaign for going green. Its main purpose is to reduce electricity consumption. But have you ever wonder why?

For your information, the power for the screen that you are looking at right now might come from fossil fuels or nuclear.1 You know how bad is fossil fuels to our environment and nuclear to our health. Fossil fuels produce smoke that will cause global warming.Carbon monoxide in the atmosphere can also lead to the formation of the tropospheric greenhouse gas 'ozone'.

So to tackle this issue, what can we do? Save electricity. No electricity use = no fossil fuels used. We could save electricity by:

1. Use fan instead of air conditional. One air-conditional uses the energy about 32 fans

2. Switch off home appliances instead of standby mode. Standby power can account up to 10% of electrical use. Some appliance like TV still draw power after switch off using remote control.

3. Set the temperature of air conditional slightly higher than what you need. Every degree you lower, more energy is used by the air-conditional.

Therefore, please start to appreciate the electricity that you are using and use less electricity. Please do comment below about your life hacks on saving electricity. =DD

Together we can make the earth a greener place =)
