Air Pollution in Malaysiaby | 01-09-2017 00:35 |
Believe it or not, 65% of the deaths in Asia and 25% deaths in India are due to air pollution.1 Globally, the amount of fatal from the exposure of outdoor air pollution ranged from 200000 to 570000.2 This is how serious is air pollution to our population. In Malaysia, air pollution had been constantly an overwhelming issue for legislators, aviation industry, and the citizens. It is constantly making headlines in major newspapers and subsequently heightens the anxiety of the citizens, particularly during the haze episode.3 The main issue regarding air pollution in Malaysia is about haze. As I am writing, there was an issue regarding seasonal haze hits Johore Bharu - State in Malaysia. According to the news, the main reason of that haze was due to open burning.4 This action has alarmed us on seriousness of haze issue in Malaysia. However, haze is also caused by the slash and burn practice in Malaysia.5 This is a serious issue as haze usually measures hundreds of kilometers across. It has spread to Malaysia, Singapore, the south of Thailand and the Philippines, causing a significant deterioration in air quality.6 In conclusion, the haze issue has been troubling Malaysian due to its causes - human behavior. How could we change this? Leave a comment below to give an idea to tackle this problem. Together we make the Earth a greener place =) References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.