Sincerely, to Mother Muhammed Mikhail A Hafidz | 29-08-2017 14:36 |
Dear Mother Nature,
Thank you
For your stunning skies that have always been up there, being the warm protective blanket that wraps around everyone on earth. Without it, we would fry from the deadly blazing heat waves from the sun.
For being my home. You have been giving comfort and shelter to everyone and everything since the beginning of our existence. You are our refuge, the floor that supports us, the foundation that keeps us stand, the walls that give us shelter, and the roof that protects us.
For your ice caps in the poles that hold 70% of the total freshwater on earth. The ice also keeps the world cool, giving a sufficient temperature to live with.
For your ocean which covers the most of this planet. Your system is very precise. Every stream, every cloud, and every raindrop come back to where you want it to be. Every living thing depends on the ocean, one way or another.
For the soil all around the earth that consist of organisms to help us grow food for us to consume. The trees that supply wood for shelter, air for respiration, and beauty to admire also comes from your soils.
Thank you.
However, I am awfully sorry.
We seem to never appreciate any gift you gave us. We polluted, suffocated and congested your spectacular skies with emissions from our transportations, industries and what not. We refused to accept the fact that we need you. We melt your ice through our so-called very important industrialization. We poisoned your ocean and took more than we need. We overused your soil and causing it to be broken, sick, and aching.
Dear Mother Nature,
Truthfully, we never truly realise that we have been making you desperately ill. Even if we did, we would never care. But, when you show us your powerful and destructive catastrophes, only then we know humans are so blind from the truth.
We thought we are smarter than you, who have been here for over 4.5 billion years, 22500 times longer than us. You have fed species greater than us, and you have starved species greater than us.
Your typhoons and tornadoes are more intense and frequent. You have become unpredictable – less rain here, a lot more rain there, hotter summers, and colder winters. Your sea levels are rising exponentially.
Consequently, you have taken back your land that you had lend to us which causes many of us homeless.
Dear Mother Nature,
As I get older, I learnt much more about you. You are so kind and generous. You gave all your wonders to us. You never said no.
In return, we continuously burnt your forests, spill oil to the ocean, and did many terrible things to you. Because of that, everyone has to pay the price, especially humans. We had to suffer from various life-taking diseases – mostly due to the poor air quality, the abundance of harmful rays entering the earth?s atmosphere, and much other pollution. Some of us lost our homes. Some of us experience extreme weather. To sum everything up, we all lost something.
Since the beginning of humanity, we have been observing and learning from you. Our experience with you inspired my ancestors to do great things, amazing things. Our engineering, art, science, philosophy, mathematics, and technology are based on you, in one way or another.
But, along the road, ego, money, and ignorance have made us fail to notice a very important lesson which is what you give, you will get back.
Human beings have failed time and again to acknowledge the importance of taking care of you while pursuing the desire to achieve material needs.
As for the future, to effectively grab the attention, inspire and motivate people, along with the campaigns via traditional media, smartphone manufacturers need to be encouraged to apply pre-installed apps which give information about nature. For instance, news, updates, and predictions about the environment in the user?s surrounding, the amount of CO2 released or carbon footprint based on their activity, ways to contribute to preserving nature etc.
I hope us, humans will learn from our mistake and will never take you for granted. Never ever again.
I do really hope.
Yours truthfully, Mikhail |