cigarette smoking is growing up very increasingly in indiaby | 31-08-2017 18:14 |
One million of the tobacco deaths occur in India, yet the Union health ministry has postponed its decision to introduce new graphic health warnings that cover 85% of tobacco packages on both sides beginning April 1 based on the decision of a Parliamentary Committee report that is chaired a BJP MP who wants Indian surveys to prove tobacco causes cancer before public health measures to reduce tobacco use are implemented. Despite bans on advertising, sale to minors and smoking in public places, more than one in three adults use some form of tobacco in India. India has one of the world?s weakest tobacco warning regimes. Currently, official cautions appear only on one side of the package, covering a mere 20% of the entire packet. According to a 2014 report by the Canadian Cancer Society, India is ranked 136th among 198 countries listed according to the size of their health warnings. The country has slid from a ranking of 123 in 2012, with several countries implementing stronger warnings. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. Apart from cancers, smoking is also a major risk factor in chronic bronchitis, heart disease and stroke and other conditions and disorders such as slowed healing of wounds, infertility, and peptic ulcer disease. Adolescents are the most vulnerable population to initiate tobacco use. It is now well established that most of the adult users of tobacco start tobacco use in childhood or adolescence. There has been a perceptible fall in smoking in the developed countries after realization of harmful effects of tobacco. The tobacco companies are now aggressively targeting their advertising strategies in the developing countries like India. Adolescents often get attracted to tobacco products because of such propaganda. There has been a rapid increase in trade and use of smokeless tobacco products in recent years in the country, which is a matter of serious concern to the health planners. It is important to understand various factors that influence and encourage young teenagers to start smoking or to use other tobacco products. The age at first use of tobacco has been reduced considerably. However, law enforcing agencies have also taken some punitive measures in recent years to curtail the use of tobacco products. This paper focuses on various tobacco products available in India, the extent of their use in adolescents, factors leading to initiation of their use, and the preventive strategies, which could be used to deal with this menace. References : |