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Down the lane of despondency changing climate.

by | 14-08-2017 06:54

Climate change has been defined as the statistical change in weather pattern for a relatively long period of time. Indeed, there has been quite a greater deal of scientific evidence proving the fascinating rate of climate change and its relative impact on humanity and the world at large.
A study conducted by pew research centre in 2015 indicated a steady rise in public fear to climate change and global warming as a single result of the menace, with a medium of 54% considering these ??A very serious problem??.
Climate change continuous to be of greater global concern with an increase in the accumulation of greenhouse gases, talking of the carbon dioxide, methane, Nitrous oxide, water vapour etc. in the atmosphere. These gases have been proven to contribute to about 95% of the menace and they result mostly from the burning of fossil fuels, the industrial revolution, continuous removal of our carbon sinks (deforestation) and other human induced activities.
This challenge as characterised by global warming, rising sea levels, changing rainfall (precipitation) patterns, expansion of deserts among others, does pose a very significant threat to the global food security as already evident in the drastic reduction of crop yields in 2015 and also to the health of people, ranging from the superficial skin diseases to the cancers.
This is a rummy and rapid increase in the average surface temperature of the earth?s atmosphere. As earlier indicated, scientist have related this development to the steady and unusual increase of the earth?s greenhouse gases (external forcers).
The earth naturally has greenhouse gases which serve as a blanket to its atmosphere, which in effect prevents the earth from getting unusually chilled (-180C). These greenhouse gases have the tendency of holding back some of the reflected sun waves to keep the earth warm. Over the past century human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, cutting down of carbon absorbing forests without replacement and coupled with the industrial revolution which has increased carbon dioxide and methane levels to about 38% and 148% respectively by the year 2009 has resulted in the levels of external forcers which are constantly accumulating and retaining most of the radiations that hit the earth surface from the sun.
According to the intergovernmental panel on climate change, there has been a 0.740C surface temperature increase over the past century, yet due to the continual accumulation of these greenhouse gases, scientist at NASA have predicted a likely increase in global surface temperatures from 0.3 to 1.7OC on the lowest and 2.6 to 4.80C on the highest by the end of the 21st century. With the continual accrual of evidence to global warming, the intergovernmental panel on climate change has stated that evidence leading to the climate system is unequivocal.

The ascendency of worldwide concerns about climate change has prompted an all-inclusive approach to rectifying the challenge. To deal with the challenge therefore, there has been two proposed approaches 1. Climate adaptation, which refers to the actions taken to manage the unavoidable impacts of climate change and 2. Climate mitigation, which also refers to cutting down on greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. In this article, much attention is given to mitigation which has become the necessary approach to this menace, taking posterity into consideration.
Mitigation which primarily seeks to reduce or cut down on greenhouse gas emissions may require the adoption of the use of new technologies, clean energy sources, change of people?s attitude towards environmental sustenance and greening among others.
Hamadoun Tours, secretary general of the international telecommunication union once said that ??climate change is a global concern, which requires a global response??, towing along that line of action, there has been a lot of global interventions and Fora to address this menace.
Quite apart from the partnership of the united nations framework convention on climate change with most countries with the objective of stabilising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at a level that would prevent dangerous human interference of the climate system, is the united nations COP 21 in Paris, another ground breaking response in the global parlance.
Having stated the needfulness of all nations to work together in addressing the concern, the intergovernmental panel on climate change reports that ?? addressing climate change in developing nations poses a fundamentally different challenge. For most, emission reduction is not a viable option in the near term. With income levels far beyond those of developed countries and per capita emissions on average, just one sixth of the industrialised world. Developing countries will increase their emissions as they strive for economic growth and a better quality of life, but their steadfast resistance to the idea of limiting emissions has led to claims on some quarters that developing countries are not doing their fair share??, which happens to be the reason the Bush administration rejected the Kyoto protocol for being unfair to the U.S.
It has therefore, become prudent that all nations respond adequately to the clarion call to mitigating the challenge by putting in every effort available per their strength. I believe on the least that, even the developing nations with limited resources could begin with protecting and creating new natural carbon sinks like forests and oceans, afforestation, conserved agriculture and silviculture. Signing off I would like to quote this popular saying ??United We Stand??, which is to suggest that, together we can make a reasonable impact to addressing climate change.