Over Populationby | 12-08-2017 01:58 |
Over population can be of relation to many things. For this particular report I would like to discuss the over population of human beings. Generally, we see over population to be the rise of human beings settlement in one area beyond the capacity of that area. Over population has extreme consequences and risks to the lives of human beings. Some of these consequences are: Exhaustion of natural resources – as the population of a given area rises it is the inevitable to expect the resources beginning to get exhausted if not used wisely and accurately. Another major problem for the livelihood of the people in an over populated area is the lack of land for ploughing. With increase in population much of the land will be used for housing leaving less land for the purpose of ploughing and thus this will make food products more expensive and hard to get for the residents. Species are high risk of becoming extinct from an area of high population as they are forced to move out of the land with the rise of human beings and also living in conditions that are not comfortable for the species will raise the deaths of that species. The list of consequences goes on. However, to come to one that is really pressing, we have to discuss the issue of effects on the environment. With over population we are likely to see the risks of loss of public sanitation, lack of fresh water, increase in deforestation and erosion, and much more. This being the case one place I have noticed to be having minor problems from rise in population is the city of Addis Ababa. Although it has not reached over population and is not in high risk, even a simple rise in the city?s population has shown significant changes. Some to mention are lack of public areas being clean of trash. Increase in modern construction and thus the cutting of trees. Taking these risks into consideration, it is strongly advisable that cities, towns, and countries with high or over population manage their usage of land and try to utilize resources in a way that does not cause environmental problems. |